View Full Version : Geoliquid - Wot's it like?
Bill T.
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 05:38 AM
Does anyone have experience with Geoliquid & discus? My lfs sells it but doesn't know much about it. Just wonderring if it would help boost my system?
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 06:55 AM
Hi Bill I myself use geo liquid its suppose to take out all the bad stuff out of the water and add some good stuff thats suppose to benefit the fish. I dont know 100% if it works as its suppose to but as I use straight tap adelaide water it gives me some piece of mind even if it benefits my fish 10% that makes me happy. I know one thing its good for is after medicating your water you add it and it removes all the meds out the water. The water will stay a cloudy colour antil everything bad has been cleared. When I first started using it my water was heaps cloudy for over a day and since I've been using it it only stays mildly cloudy for about half and hour. If I used ro water I probably wouldnt use it and I know that a lot of other people on this forum wouldnt waste there time on it but everyone to there own and as it only costs me $10 a bottle and it lasts me about a month I will continue using it antil someone proves overwise.
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 08:23 AM
efects of geo-liquid:
neutrolizes water
lowers ph a little nomatter how much you use
removes toxins and everything else bad in the water
100% natural ingredients
dont use when medicating water because it will remove meds
lets you know how bad your water is because the longer it is cloudy the worse the conditions are, the cloudines wont dissapear instantly (usually about 1/2 an hour to an hour if your conditions are good
you cant overdose! even if you put a whole bottle (treats about 1400L i think) in a 80L tank. but you wouldnt do that because u would have to be stupid! LOL
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 08:32 AM
Hey Bill.T I use Geoliquid too, I got in the habit because I used to use 50% rain water and 50% tap, Reading the bottle its meant to take the bad stuff out and but the good stuff in :?:
Not sure how true this is.
I use it out of Habit at the moment at every water change.
Leanne where do yet buy it for $10.00
Reading a post ages ago apparently you can buy it a bigger bottle :?:
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 10:06 AM
Hi chris I buy it for $10 a bottle from the age of aquariums when I need something I stock up on geo liquid while im there or else I think its $13 or $14 from Happy Valley. I know you can get it in a bigger bottle but I think its like a cheaper brand stuff sort of like a bilo brand but not bilo of course.
Bill T.
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 10:44 AM
Thanks for your comments, fellow discus addicts.
Anyone use Geoliquid as well as kH? I wonder if, because the Gl. lowers pH, it may clash with kH?
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 11:22 AM
It only lowers it a small amount Bill and I use geo at every wc and my kh is 4 in my tank and gh 6
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 11:35 AM
Funny stuff geo liquid!
its kinda like anchovies.....
some people love it, others hate it!
Like anchovies, i think the stuff is great!
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 01:07 PM
its funny because only some1 like u would say that prodigy!!!!!! :lol:
i like geo but have gone off anchovies :shock:
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 01:22 PM
I like anchovies and Geoliquid, and I dont mind Olives to :lol:
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 01:33 PM
Bill I just found my geo liquid book and I'll write a couple of lines from it
The secret is in geo liquids micro water quality sensors which automatically adjust and stabalize all water conditions.
Geo liquid identifies every contaminant present, and responds with the best solution for each one.
It recreates a perfect natural balance in depleted, unbalanced water it not only adds mineral and trace elements to the water but adjusts their levels either up or down to achieve a perfect balance.
Hope this helps you
Bill T.
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 11:33 PM
Thanks Guys, for your comments about Geoliquid, plus the gastronomic commentary.
I,m at day 6 of Prazi treatment so I reckon a few days after I do the follow up treatment, I will get some of the magic Geoliquid & give it a go.
I wonder if Discus Fish like anchovies, because I'm sure they wouldn't go for olives!
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 11:59 PM
olives are yum
Fri Apr 08, 2005, 05:45 AM
I use geo liquid on all my tanks [9] the water is crystal clear. I especially use it after medis, in breeding tanks. I also use it when setting a new tank.
The problem with it is if you are changing the water every couple of days it gets expensive. I have a display tank with bascially full grown discus who often only get weekly water changes. The geo liquid gives me more peace of mind, this tank has discus who breed all the time, so I figure I must be doing something right.
Thu Apr 21, 2005, 03:59 AM
For anyone who is interested i have a leaflet on geo liquid.
If you would like, PM me and i will scan it and send it to you,
Thu Apr 21, 2005, 05:50 AM
Hi Ben I would be interested in a copy please as long as its not the one that comes with the bottle. :wink:
Cause Ive had plenty of those.
Thu Apr 21, 2005, 05:53 AM
Yep its the one thats comes with the red bottle! :D
I cant interest you in another copy?? :roll:
Thu Apr 21, 2005, 05:55 AM
Yep had plenty of those. :twisted:
Thu Apr 21, 2005, 09:02 AM
Iam undecided on geo liquid, couldnt see any major changes but it did make the water crystal clear.. I dont think its work it though when you need too dose after every water change...
Thu Apr 21, 2005, 12:42 PM
Yer Flukes I think im going off Geo liquid, its getting a bit costly, It does make the tank sparkle, I might relax on it and see the difference without it.
I use it at water changes religiously.
Thu Apr 21, 2005, 01:33 PM
using geo-liquid is VERY costly! i think it is mainly suited for smaller set ups so people dont nedd large amounts of product to keep a small tank.
i think it all comes down to how you go about it. if you have a STRICT W/C reigeme and give the tank a good clean regularly there is absolutely no need for a produce like this one. problems just dont occur if not given the opportunity.
Thu Apr 21, 2005, 09:47 PM
Or you can go to OAFI and buy his knock off version... :wink:
Sun Apr 24, 2005, 04:16 AM
I am doing 30% WC twice a week but the nitrates are very high. Nitrite is 0, Ammonia is 0, Ph is 7-7.4. It is a 3foot planted tank with 2 x 7cm discus and about a dozen tetras. They are fed 3 times a day with colourbits, bloodworm and BH mix.
What am I doing wrong? Will geoliquid fix the nitrae problem?
Sun Apr 24, 2005, 05:08 AM
how long has the tank bin running 4
Sun Apr 24, 2005, 06:28 AM
Del, just how high are the nitrates, and are you running CO2 or using fertilizer for the plants?
Zero readings on your ammonia and nitrite mean your bio filter is functioning properly, but your plants are not using the nitrates in sufficient quantities to reduce your reading.
We like to aim for a reading of around 10.
If your's is much higher than that, increase your water changes to 50% daily for a week and re-test.
You may also be overfeeding slightly, and that will also increase your readings.
Sun Apr 24, 2005, 06:35 AM
Geo liquid wont fix your nitrate problems. It probably said it would :!:
As Merrilyn said increasing water changes will,
monitor it till it does. :arrow:
Sun Apr 24, 2005, 01:15 PM
Hows your nitrate readings going Chris have you tested again since they were high I hope they're better for you now and your fish are doing better. :lol:
Mon Apr 25, 2005, 01:56 PM
Hi leanne everythings fine, at the moment, fish are happy, my golderns a bit sad I put it down to some aggresive spawning activities, with my turqs.
I might quarintine her and treat for worms :?:
Ive had a big learning curve :!:
When fish get bigger they eat more etc, etc,
They need more cleaner water :!:
My water is now staying more alkaline than acid with in reason :?:
Tue Apr 26, 2005, 02:23 AM
Thank you - OK - tested again this morning... my nitrate is 50mg/l, Nitrite, Ammonia still 0. I don't use CO2 or have any fertilizer in there for the plants.
The tank has been running as a community tank for 3 years and 4 months ago I changed to an EHEIM 2213 cannister filter. I have had my 2 checkerboard discus for about a month today.
I age my water for 48 hours with "superpeat" floating in a stocking (to help bring my tap PH level a bit). I also use a water ager at twice the dose, as Sydney water is just so bad at the moment. I also have a hadful of "superpeat" in my filter.
I'll do a 50% water change today and see if there are any changes - any other advice? :?
Tue Apr 26, 2005, 02:55 AM
As Merrilyn said the high nitrates could be a result of over feeding.
Regular water changes should keep it under control.
Could also be that your filter needs a clean.
Cannister filters are known for producing nitrates as food can be sucked into them. The food gets stuck in the cannister and as it breaks down and rots you end up with high nitrate levels.
The easy way to overcome this is to simply give your cannister a clean every 1-2 months and regular water changes.
Tue Apr 26, 2005, 08:09 AM
Hi Del just increase your wc to around 40% every 2nd day and you will find your nitrate levels will drop.Good luck :lol:
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