View Full Version : Avitrol + as a Discus Wormer?

Sun Nov 25, 2012, 12:13 AM
I have at the moment 4 not well discus they are showing all the signs of internal parasite infection , dark color no apatite flicking and shimmying
white glue like poo etc , I have been treating them with A waterlife product Sterazin , over 10 days also they have had praziquantal as well although the fish are a little bit more lively they still seem to be infected.
also this morning I noticed they seem to have gill fluke again breathing out of one side of their gills I have discovered a product called Avitrol Plus bird wormer syrup it contains levamiosol 10mg/ml + Prasiquantel 2mg/ml, has any one heard of this product or has any one used it? it would seem to be a good worm and fluke remover looking forward to hearing from some of our more experienced members cheers

Sun Nov 25, 2012, 09:55 AM
Hi,never herd of it,but if it contains sugar don't use it as it will kill your fish.Go for something like Big L pig & poultry wormer.Someone who has used thing will b able to help u more.Increase your temp to 34 for week also.

Mon Nov 26, 2012, 12:20 AM
Hey swifto
Thanks for that I did notice that some of these products are sweetend and that is bad for the tank, fish etc I will go for the Big L treatment I think , I have the temp up to 33/34 warmer days here 30+ have to keep an eye on temps one of the smaller fish is starting to eat one of the large blue diamonds is passsing large white toothpaste size poos 2=cm length blobs ,other lge blue diamond passing stringy thin long white strands first time in 2 years i have had this issue I had fish in a display tank and recently added clown loaches suspect them as carriers

Mon Aug 15, 2016, 11:36 PM
Hey guys just thought i would throw some info up regarding this,, I have bought some of this in tablet form and i after reading this i thought i would do some research, i called the manufacturer and they said that in the tablet form there are no sweeteners or sugar based ingredients. i haven't confirmed a dosage rate yet but if anyone could calculate it that would be awesome.

the tabs contain 16.9 mg levi
and 4mg prazi