View Full Version : Getting started
Wed Apr 06, 2005, 01:18 PM
Well guys having not kept discus before i finally have the chance. Now i am going to post a series of questions and i was just wondering if any of you experienced keepers would be able to take the time to help me out thanx. Ive allready dont lots of reading up i just want to hear it from you guys
1. Optiumum temperature
2. optimum ph for just keeping discus not breeding
3. Water hardness
4. Amount of water changes per week
5. How to treat worms in discus, what i should use and also the price if possible.
6. best food
And any other info that you guys feel is relevant to help my discus thrive. Thanking you in advance Benno
Wed Apr 06, 2005, 01:50 PM
1. 26C-28C
2. pH 6.5
3. Dont worry about hardness if not breeding
But discus like soft water , around kh 3
4. 30% water change per week
5. I use hikari frozen bloodworms
12 pack for AUD$24
6. Also dry food , tetra bits
Add UV sterilizer ??
Wed Apr 06, 2005, 02:49 PM
Hi Benno, welcome to the forum, and welcome to the wonderful world of discus. First thing to remember, discus keeping is not an exact science. There a lot of successful discus keepers and breeders, each doing something slightly different, but they do what works for them.
Now, I can give you some guidelines, but you will be doing a lot of water changes, so you need to keep that in mind. Your water will be slightly different from what I am using, or even, what other people in your state may be using.
Temperature - around 28 - 29 degrees seems to be best.
Ph - ideal is around 6.8 but discus will tolerate water as high as 7.8 degrees and as low as 6 degrees. Stable water conditions are more important than the so called 'perfect' conditions.
Hardness - preferably soft, but not really important unless you are breeding.
Water changes - preferably daily, but as often as you can manage, of about 30% each time.
Worms - Praziquantal seems to work best. Sold under various brand names, but not expensive. I like to treat my discus at least once every six months.
Food - variety is the key. Good quality beef heart mix, dry food, live brine shrimp, daphnia, worms, mysis shrimp. all are good. Feed several times a day.
It breaks down to three simple rules, keep them warm, keep their water clean and feed them well, and you won't go wrong.
Wed Apr 06, 2005, 11:10 PM
Thank you very much guys, well the water changes wont be a problem as i have a tank stocked full o f americans so im always cleasning that out. Plus i dont mind doing water changes as i think it enhances the look of the fish. Benno
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 04:59 AM
Hi benno I live in sth oz also, I use tap water and have had no problems at all but I know a lot of people have so I might be investing in a ro unit maybe you might want to do the same as well. I keep my tank on 29 that way I can add a couple of degrees if they get sick and if I have a power failure etc it can drop down a couple and still be fine. My water is on 7ph and they are doing just fine check yours it might be similar. My water hardness is gh 6 and kh 4 which is pretty good for everyday discus might need it a bit softer if your planning on breeding which u can do with a ro. I change my water about 40% every second day or 30% everyday if I get the time. To treat worms I use aquamaster tape and fluke tabs I treat, leave in water for 48hrs do a wc and redo in 7 days. My fish have frozen discus dinner (beef heart), frozen bs and bloodworms, live bs and occasionly live black worms as a treat, they also eat flake food,tetra colourbits and sera premium granules.As a precaution have some epsom salts laying around and some rock salt in case of bloating and illness. I hope you enjoy your discus experience as much as I do and if you have any more questions just ask :lol:
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 08:59 AM
Yeah i got heaps of epsom salts , but ill get some worm treatment before i even get my first discus. Where abouts do you purchase yours form Leeanne. Benno
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 10:02 AM
Hi Benno did you mean where do I purchase my discus from all the worm tabs. I purchase my the tablets from my lfs for $19.95 and I get my discus from a couple of local shops around my area and I have also purchased some from interstate off Rod Lewis of Lewis discus. You say your from gawler is that the one up north or down south I get the 2 mixed up.
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 10:49 AM
Im the one up North lol. Where abouts are you located, im glad to be on a site where there is more than 1 adelaide member lol. Benno
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 11:24 AM
Opposite end Im down south at morphett vale but there are a few of us sth aussies here though.
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 11:28 AM
Hey benno another South OZZIE here, there are some good local shops around, I personal would be looking interstate the price is really good.
Your lucky to find this site before purchasing any fish.
I like the sound and prices of Rod Lewis fish,(intersate breeder youll find him on this forum ) check around shops for colours/strains of fish before buying.
Or maybe a small school of young discus to learn.
Dont do what I did, I bought big ones, they cost more, look good, but I found, buying smaller discus is better becasue you can watch them grow.
You also get attached to them.
So I have pretty well changed all my fish, but Im still not satisfied with my collection. Getting close though. selling one more and ill be set i think :roll: :roll:
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 11:37 AM
Hi Dr.v I just re read your post and 26 is to low for discus you should go no lower than 28 and between 28 and 30 is good i keep mine on 29 as they like their water a lot warmer than other tropical fish. IMO
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 12:03 PM
Hey chris how does the adelaide tap water treat ure fish mate.
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 12:18 PM
Not to bad I sometime age it for 3 days bit of clorine, dash of Geo liquid :!:
Ive noticed PH drops, theres no doubt our water is unstable,
I change up to 30% water once a week, We do feed these guys a fair bit maybe this contributes a fair bit to our water make up.
Find a routine and stick to it.
Dont over populate your tank youll be right :!:
Thu Apr 07, 2005, 01:07 PM
One last one chris what is the best way you have found to keep the ph stable. Thanx im just gathering up alot of info as im really keen on these fish and wanna try get it right from the start. Thanx mate Benno
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