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View Full Version : Hello from Blue Mountains NSW

Tue Nov 06, 2012, 09:24 AM
Hi, I'm Barbara, I have been lurking on and off for many months, but have been a bit shy to say hi as I dont actually keep discus. (Sorry). But I have been attracted to your angelfish section. I have been breeding Angelfish for about a year and have been gradually trying to improve my stock as I learn more and more.

Regardless it does seem inevitable that I will own discus one day - it seems like the next step from angels from what I have read! And they are glorious - but I guess I dont have to tell you all that!

Thu Nov 15, 2012, 08:01 AM

Welcome! They are a great friendly knowledgeable bunch here. Some of the long time users here are right into there Angels also so you will be right either way : )


Thu Nov 15, 2012, 08:18 AM
thanks so much for the welcome! I thought I had typed some sort of faux pas for a while there. PHEW!