View Full Version : Discus dieing. Please help

Sat Oct 20, 2012, 04:14 AM
I have set up 5 ft tank 3 weeks ago with white sand and some anubias. I picked up some rocks that looks like slate from local park, washed and put in tank. Ran my cycled canister onto tank for 1 week before introducing 10 juvenile discus (7 cm), 10 corys, 4 small loaches. Ph 6.9, nitrite 0, ammonia 0 and nitrite 0. All good for 2 weeks. Two days ago, noticed 2 dead discus and the rest are in one group on top of tank. Also 3 dead corys i found among the rocks. Tested water and all came good. Dis a 25% WC that night. in the morning, one more dead fish but all water parameters all good. I transfered my remaining discus to a bare bottom tank and aftewr one hour they are much more active and not on one side grouping anymore. What coud have gone wrong. Could it be my rocks emitting chemicals to the water? If it is the rocks, is there a way of testing this? THanks.

Sat Oct 20, 2012, 05:59 AM
i bet theres pesticide/herbicide residue on the rocks.

take them out.

I'd drain the tank, refill and filter through activated carbon for a couple of weeks before putting anymore fish in it.