View Full Version : Water changes

Tue Oct 16, 2012, 03:12 AM
Hey all I'm heading to India on Monday for 2 1/2 weeks and I'm getting my next door neighbour to keep an eye on my fish. I was wondering what's the least amount of times he would need to do wc in that period to be on the safe side. Just don't wont to bother him to much.
There is 8 young fish about 7/8cm in a 4x18x18 with 2 sponge filters and a home made canister filter,bare bottom.
What do you think is the least amount of times water would need to be changed. I age the water in a bin and that's 50 lts. So thats the amount of water that would be getting changed.
What are your thoughts
Cheers Marty

Tue Oct 16, 2012, 04:01 AM
change it before you go and have someone change it once while your away.

if you drop back your feeds to every second day the water will stay cleaner longer.

while dad was in the UK all his fish only got once a week changes (all I could manage time wise) they were fine with feeds every second day.

if your really worried add a pouch of chemizorb/purigen/chemipure to the filter, just a little added insurance while your away.

Tue Oct 16, 2012, 05:00 AM
Ok no worries so feeding them every second day won't worry them to much at that size

Tue Oct 16, 2012, 07:01 AM
and whats the best food to give them when im away

Tue Oct 16, 2012, 08:14 AM
something sinking like tetra color or nls