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Sun Oct 14, 2012, 08:19 PM
Hi Everyone, new to the forum and thought i would introduce myself.
names Tom from Central PA. been keeping Discus for about 3 years now.
been through a lot and now starting to understand a bit.
some pics of my crew

Mon Oct 15, 2012, 11:27 AM
Welcome to the Discus Forum Tom

Tue Oct 16, 2012, 08:35 AM
Hey Buddy.

Nice fish, looks like you feed them well. And nice to see they have some sand to play in.
Has your Ph varied with the addition of the bog wood, gone low?

Welcome to the site.


Tue Oct 16, 2012, 05:02 PM
Hey Buddy.

Has your Ph varied with the addition of the bog wood, gone low?

Welcome to the site.

Mick. Actually Mick, I took the sand back out for now, they are only about 5 inches and am still feeding and doing Freq WC's to help their growth, just found it easier without the sand. ( but really liked the looks of it) My PH has stayed stable with the Wood in it. i age my water 24 hrs before WC and is showing PH to be very consistent. I have hard water and have never seen it very low at all.
thanks for the welcome.

b/n guy
Tue Oct 16, 2012, 09:12 PM
Nice fish tom :)

Wed Oct 17, 2012, 11:39 AM
Nice fish tom :)

Mon Oct 22, 2012, 07:30 AM
Oh dear about the hardness of your water. I'm fortunate to have 22,000 litres of rain water. I never let it age, I add sea salt, and discus vitamins, my system has 1200 litres, sorry not sure how many gallons, I drop 50% out through a tap in the end and trickle fill with the rain water. I do this about every six weeks. With this volume the water chemistry changes are very slow, my pH is generally around 5.0 to 5.6. and the temp is about 28C to 30.7C ish in the Aussie summers. Even in the winter, trickling very cold water only varies the tank temp by about 5C, ie drops to about 25C, and doesn't bother the fish at all.

Dude. Feel free to add more pics.


Tue Oct 23, 2012, 03:26 PM
Hi Tom,

welcome aboard mate. Great colours in your fish. I like the signature line above your name. Made me laugh. I can relate, its funny...... but true : )
