View Full Version : FS Discus -Preferably Experienced Discus Keepers
Tue Aug 21, 2012, 01:12 PM
Have been away for a few months due to family commitments I still have a few of the following beloved discus to be listed. I have not really advertised these till now.
A unconfirmed pair of Super eruptions A grade shape and good fine spots on it,Does have spots on gill and face but not as much. $650 17cm
Comfirmed pair of Snow White Leopards had wrigglers ,Good overall spottings on body and very good shap for this strain 15-16cm $450
Have a couple A grade Albino variants including Eruption and Leopards
13cm $200 each Full patterning on body
1XBulldog Red turquoise/Tiger turquoise 11cm $80
1xNice round pigeon checkerboard 14cm $100
Just would like them to go to a good owner thanks.
Email me on with interest
Tue Aug 21, 2012, 09:21 PM
Do these ones have worms like the last ones I got from you ???
Wed Aug 22, 2012, 01:39 AM
Hi Mitch, I sold many discus in the past and I always try to send everyone healthy fish but sometimes it can be difficult to explain why they were healthy then become ill after a instance.All i can say was i didnt intentionally send you those fish sick or etc.If you are still unhappy with those eruptions im more than happy to work something out with you. As im not here to make money. As you would of recalled I even helped paying the ridiculous freight fees sometimes AAE charged me without complain as i knew you are a passionate hobbyist.Please pm me if you have any other concerns you are wanting to discuss thanks.
Wed Aug 22, 2012, 05:15 AM
I'm just disapointed I have over 250 discus at home and 8 are from you ... 2 are dead five are still sick and one was meant to be a laying female but was a male :( all of my other fish are healthy because my tanks are kept perfect at all times daily wc s on every tank even display tanks .. There's nothing u can Do as these fish wouldnt survive the trip back and I've seen previous posts from people recieving sick fish from you and just thought other people should be cautious especially when you always have a story for selling fish -- family issues -- car smashes-- I love discus and there is nothing worse than having them sick or even die so maybe you need to learn a bit more on how to keep them healthy rather than selling them anyways GLWS and I hope for whoever buys them sake they are ok
Wed Aug 22, 2012, 07:00 AM
You never told me you had any dead fish from me till now. And there's no need for me to give a reason for why I sell them anymore as most people should know by now the cost of these discus even you get them from the direct importer and the prices can be seen I make nothing. Anyways better people that are interested either can get someone from Melbourne to view fish before purchase as I really don't want to drag it .Like I said , any further concerns you can discuss with me further through pm
Wed Aug 22, 2012, 07:30 AM
what suburb you from Aquatic Master?
Thu Aug 23, 2012, 03:24 AM
Hi Aquatic master,
Any chance of some pics please
Thu Aug 23, 2012, 03:10 PM
It was interesting reading Duckess's comments. I bought two discuss off Aquatic Master a few months ago. Both fish arrived in good condition and appeared very healthy. One was not of the quality I would have liked with a disfigured tail. This fish has also been sick over the last month. Bacterial H2 & internal H4 treatments did not help until finally I treated with Big L and a week later Prazi. The fish appears to have improved and is eating again at the moment, it will take a while to regain its condition if I am lucky. In hind sight I would tent to agree with Duckess's comments. Aquatic Master should clarify if he is trying to sell the discus commercially or reducing his 'private' stock ?
Thu Aug 23, 2012, 06:58 PM
I am more than happy for anyone on Melbourne to come see if I'm selling commercially any longer -) after selling more than 10 tanks earlier this year and with less than 10 discus left cheers.
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