View Full Version : got my new disdus

Mon Aug 06, 2012, 06:41 AM
hey all i got myself 8 blue turqs today they are about 5-6cm.
ive wanted to get some discus back in my fish room for some time now as i havent had any for about 2 yrs since i built my house.
im pretty happy,they have started to eat allready and they have only been in there new tank for a couple of hours,so all good.
i got some frozen discus food from pet shop,and plan on making my own soon,but i start work early and would like to give them a feed before i go to work,it will still be dark but it does get light about half an hour after i leave so im wondering how much food should i give them??1/2 a block or a whole block of food.what do you guys think.

cheers marty

Tue Aug 07, 2012, 12:36 AM
they will get use to it pretty fast very small amount to start with pref a dry based food like flake if your overly cautious.
but i dont even turn my lights on for the first feed my fish are use to it when light goes on 1 hour later the bottom is spotless only poop so its a good sign its been eaten what type of discus did u go boydie

Tue Aug 07, 2012, 02:35 AM
Blue turqs

Tue Aug 07, 2012, 12:50 PM
Beef heart is very good for young growing out due to the protein content. It does foul the water quickly though, so plenty of small feeds a day and several large WC a week will keep them gorwing rapidly and in good shape.
For 8 young a whole block from one of those frozen trays will be fine. That many fish will make short work of it.