View Full Version : parents eating eggs

its me !!!
Sat Jul 21, 2012, 07:31 AM
hi guys just wondering if u have had trouble with discus eating eggs .. i put mesh over them so parents couldnt eat them... starting to hatch now just wondering if should take cage of now or wait till there free swimming ??

Sat Jul 21, 2012, 08:20 AM
i second this question as im at the same stage

Sat Jul 21, 2012, 04:22 PM
Wait till they're free swimming, although there's no guarantee that they won't eat the fry as soon as they swim through the mesh.

Young discus pairs often eat their eggs. It seems that they have to learn the proper procedure for raising fry. Some pairs will eat their eggs ten or more times before they actually get it right.

A lot of breeders will allow their newly formed pairs to spawn in the main display tank a few times, and the pair learn to protect their eggs from the others in the tank. It strengthens the pair bond, and teaches them to look after their egg and not eat them. Once they've raised their first batch successfully, they usually become model parents and you don't have any more trouble.