View Full Version : Discus has white spot on eye and will not eat.

Thu Jun 28, 2012, 01:39 PM
I have a new discus who has a white spot in his eye.
He does not want to eat any food and I have recently moved him to a hospital tank
I have a long established 4 foot tank and have had discus for many years. It has 3 other discus.
The other 2 fish that were purchased at the same time are all healthy and eating well. At the time he did have a small white spot on his eye, this may have moved / grown larger
Also his poo seems to be white / clear and stringy.

I have tried water changes (Daily) and also adding some salt to the water. I have also added some Melafix, in the hope this may help.
I spoke with the pet shop they suggested bringing the water temperature up from 27c to 30c which I did.

I am really worried that because he's not eating he is not going to last long. Any suggestions from your learnered members would be most appreciated.


Cookie (AKA Newbe)

Thu Jun 28, 2012, 11:46 PM
Sorry to hear your fish isn't doing so well. White stringy poo sounds like a Flagellate infection which is usually treated with a Metronidazole or Dimetridazole based med. If its a cloudy eye, could be a secondary bacterial infection? A treatment using Potasium Permangenate as a bath is good for ridding a fish of external parasites, bacterias etc but may be a bit harsh on a weak fish .
Having said that, I am a relative newbie also and I'm sure there will be more knowledgeable peolple along shortly. The use of salt and raising temps is very helpful as you have been told. Lowering ph can be helpful too.
I have treated a few of my fish recently for a Flagelate infection (white stringy poo) with a secondary bacterial infection that showed as a cloudy eye (perhaps different to the white eye spot yours has?) and I had very good results using the Huey Hung brand of Discus specific meds. It worked quick, quicker than the Dimetridasole meds that I have used in the past. There are a handful of different types of meds in their range that treat for the common Discus ailments. There are sponsors here that sell it.
These are just my recent experiences, but I'm sure there are other possibilities that others will mention,
Hope the info may help,


Fri Jun 29, 2012, 12:45 AM
Hey Cookie if i was u i would contact Anthony at discus planetarium and get the H4 super killer treatment and H2 bacteria killer treatment here is a link to the meds. http://www.discusforums.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=23784 .
I have used these a couple of times now on a couple of my fish that had symptoms similar to yours with great sucess