View Full Version : Our F1 Manacapuru Red Backs are showing red on their backs
FinVision P/L
Mon Jun 25, 2012, 04:07 PM
Hi every body, our Manacapuru Red Backs are now stating to show red coloration on their backs and flanks, we obtained these fish from Toney and Jeffrey Tan who breed them along with their F1 Altums. We have been growing these red backs since we got them in February this year when they where 5 months old. As some of you may know the Manacapuru doesn’t always have the red on their backs, in fact I am not sure if I have heard of any F1s that have shown red on their backs. You may also know that it normally takes up to 10 months to show signs of red coloration. We decided not to sell any untill we see some red coming through, because without the red they are a silver radically barred angel, but a very beautiful angel... Two of the main features of this fish is the almost vertically erect dorsal which also is very tall, also the extra long ventrals, but now we can offer a third feature and that is the Red markings on the back. Granted in the photos it is barley noticeable but we believe its early days yet.
Within a few months the red will become more prominent we aren’t offering these for sale as yet! But we “will” when they show more red, you will be then guaranteed to have red backs on your Manacapuru RED BACKS. Some of you know that you have to be very lucky to get a Manacapuru with red on their backs, Even wild caught will loose the red on their backs, but some will retain this colour , it basically a lucky dip , any how please see the attached pics below , We have not digitally enhanced the colour , but we have digitally adjusted the exposure, also we have only fed these Angels on a beef heart mix with no artificial colour enhancements or carrot or spirulina , nothing that resembles Red just red beef heart.
Mon Jun 25, 2012, 11:53 PM
very nice!
they actually look like wilds
Mon Jun 25, 2012, 11:59 PM
so cut that none of mine ever developed red like that! well done mate i guess thats a real tribute to Tony and Jeff
FinVision P/L
Tue Jun 26, 2012, 12:18 AM
Thanks, Not selling them I think has turned out to be a good gamble, I might add that not all our fish are showing the red as yet, but I think at this point in time I think it is showing up on the dominate fish first, although I have seen some on the sub-dominate as well.
I also spoke to Jeffrey last night and he said his USA distributor is also reporting this development.
Tue Jun 26, 2012, 08:29 AM
Looks epic mate! jothy you should buy them lol
Tue Oct 16, 2012, 01:41 PM
hope you dont mind me tagging along Brian but I thought I'd post some photos of my fish now that they are starting to mature.
these guys are big now, heres the best male posing with the altums.
unfortunately the flash was washing out everything so the photos are a little blury
Wed Oct 17, 2012, 12:48 AM
nice dude
Fri Oct 19, 2012, 11:18 AM
screw the red that blue iridescence is awesome!
Fri Oct 19, 2012, 12:21 PM
screw the red that blue iridescence is awesome!
LMAO thats the reason I've kept the not red manacaparu from Glasser and Exotic, the blue shean is AWESOME especially under my full spectrum LED lights.
Fri Oct 19, 2012, 11:06 PM
on the gill plate its nearly starting to look discus-like
i recently purchased some of these that origonally came from brian, no red on them yet though
FinVision P/L
Sat Oct 20, 2012, 07:49 AM
Your Red Backs look really nice the blue is also and added bonus. I must say that Tony Tan (the Breeder) really knows his stuff; because I have seen many red backs sold that never gain the red. When they are spawning, this red becomes a more solid cover as the dots join, and become more intense. They also have the ability to turn the red on one day and off the next when breeding according to Tony. If you keep the Tetra colour bits up to them Jothy, as you know, this red will most likely intensify. The ones I have in stock get fed Discus graduals and mostly beef heart with no colour additives and they still show the red fairly well. Imagine if you gave them some Carophyll red, I know it cheating but would still be interesting to see
Sat Oct 20, 2012, 08:02 AM
maybe it explains the intense red shown in some of the youtube vids
FinVision P/L
Sat Oct 20, 2012, 08:43 AM
maybe it explains the intense red shown in some of the youtube vids
Yes that’s possible I guess, but I saw the parents at Toney Tans in Ipoh Malaysia, and they had a lot more red and a more solid colour with minimal spots, I have also seen these fish on ytube and they look very intense as you said with the red I think its possibly Japanese, and they tend to add colour. I may be wrong, don’t quote me
Sat Oct 20, 2012, 10:45 AM
I feed a beefheart mix high in colour enhancers. Each 1KG has 250g prawns, 125g salmon, 5g astaxanthin, 2.5g spirolina, 12.5g colorbits, 25g NLS thera+A, 25g steamed carrot puree, 12.5g freeze dried mysis shrimp.
If they dont colour up on my food they'll never colour up LOL.
FinVision P/L
Sat Oct 20, 2012, 01:06 PM
I hope the red backs left you a big tip after they finished their meal at your restaurant ? Wow!!!!
FinVision P/L
Sun Oct 21, 2012, 06:10 AM
Hi this is the photo of the Parent from the F1 Red Backs in this thread so you can see they all came from good wild stock, the pic isn’t great but it shows the red and I know it isn’t feed anything out of the norm. He also said that it shows more red at other times this is not the best example of this fish showing red
Sun Oct 21, 2012, 07:32 AM
cool, i'll keep playing the waiting game then :)
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