View Full Version : Discus fish bullying

Wed Jun 13, 2012, 09:23 AM
Hi all
I have two tiger snakeskin discus a male and female however my male wont leave the female alone nor will it stop following the female. The male likes cornering it and doing its dance to keep it near it but as soon as the female leaves it attacks it. They are in a 6ft tank with 4 other smaller cobolts. How can i stop the male from attacking. i dont want to get rid of the male. Im getting another tank and putting two other females in and the male to get a total of 4 fish hopefully then it stops annoying the female? Thediscus are a mature pair

Ps. Im 15 years old and new to the forum

Discus Planetarium
Wed Jun 13, 2012, 09:46 AM
coen welcome to the forum little man your male discus is in love mate lol,if the fighting is not to bad they should be fine when you feed them does he let her eat he wants her to lay her eggs this is why he is doing this its all normal if you add more fish to your tank it may hellp,,,good luck..

Wed Jun 13, 2012, 09:56 AM
Thankyou. Well they were doing the same thing a month ago in a smaller tank so i removed the male and put him in the 6ft i re added the female today it doesnt seem as bad as it was a month ago however he goes off and eats but the female seems reluctent to go and eat ive already fed the female today in the other tank but havent fed her in her new tank.

Wed Jun 13, 2012, 12:54 PM
Just be aware she may go off her food because of the move. And she's got more room to get away from the male in the new tank. Like it was said earlier it's not really bullying, he's in love......

Wed Jun 13, 2012, 01:19 PM
Thats why i moved the male in the first place to get her eating again but they have seemed to work things out now

Thu Jun 14, 2012, 06:27 AM
If he still continues to drive her too hard, and she is not getting a chance to eat in the new tank, remove her to the isolation tank again and feed her really well with high protein foods. This will bring her into breeding condition, then when you put them together again, you should find love is in the air, or in this case, the water.

Just keep in mind, they are cichlids, and it's fairly normal for the male to drive the female to encourage her to spawn. It's only when things get a bit too rough that the fish keeper should step in.