View Full Version : Tony Tans top USA seller the Yellow Tang Discus

FinVision P/L
Tue Jun 12, 2012, 02:03 PM
Hi every one, we have been asked by many of you to post some photos of the Yellow Tang,. This fish has been available in the USA for a few weeks now and it has been pretty much sold out before the hit the Aquariums, They have been very popular and supply has been limited. These fish will stay Yellow if fed food that doesn’t contain any red coloration.
This includes the following, Tetra colour bits, or any colour enhanced fish foods that contain carrot brine shrimp including other shrimp, Carophyll Red, Beta carotene, Canthaxanthin. If you feed any of these mentioned then the Yellow Tang will turn Red/Orange. By feeding all other foods including beef heart they will maintain the yellow coloration. But if you want them to become very vivid and deep yellow then it is suggested that you use Carophyll Yellow, the Tony Tan Yellow Tang has been fed Carophyll Yellow.
I know some of you believe that this is sacrilege. And that’s a respected opinion, but remember if this is a bad price to pay for a vivid yellow tang then Tetra would not have a product like Tetra bits nor Hikari with it Hikari Discus Gold or many other manufacturers, it is the exact same thing as we are recommending, When I was a keeper at Taronga Park Zoo we used Carophyll Red to help maintain the Pink in the flock of Flamingoes we had , that includes all scarlet Ibis as well.
It is also used to produce the Red factor Canary and the Yorkshire canary hell its even used to make that expensive salmon Pink in colour and not to mention it is also used in Poultry industry to make your eggs yellow and that’s a fact Please see the following link on Carophyll http://www.vividtropicals.com/Carophyll%20Yellow.aspx
FinVision will have available Carophyll Yellow before this shipment arrives it might also be noted that 3gm will make 1kg of beef heart mix, if you forget to feed the fish the additive it doesn’t matter it takes many weeks to show any difference, and if they do loose their vividness then start feeding them Carophyll yellow again and the vivid colour will return within 7 days.
You can also buy from the above link , also see dosage use at this link as well, It must be noted that all Tony Tans Yellow Tangs have been fed a diet of Carophyll Yellow, it is an antioxidant and is also used as a health supplement . So don’t be concerned, it is also an all natural product. I am sure we will get many of you protesting the use of Carophyll , and I welcome it, it makes good a discussion and can only lead to a better understanding of the use of colour enhanced foods. It must also be noted that this is the only Discus phenotype that Toney Tan will feed any colour enhancement to. It is a very well know fact and no secret that all intense vivid yellow discus on the market must be fed colour enhanced additives in their food diet to achieve the vivid intence yellow.
Remember this Discus will stay yellow without any colour enhancements. The enhancements just make the yellow more vivid; this fish will never go brown, it is impossible to do so, because it has a very strong yellow gene stamp, from the result of many years of genetic manipulation. Toney knows all genetic history of all his fish. He keeps his records in a matrix archive and is extremely anal about his records, and that’s what separates his world renowned reputation from the rest, and reason why he keeps winning Grand Champions and pattern class trophies
Shipment arriving late July -Mid August

Tue Jun 12, 2012, 09:54 PM
Awesome post Brian. I think you'll find 2 camps on this those that prefer the wild type fish ( like myself) and those at the forefront of "fashion" discus who want the brightest most colorfull fish for their display. Thank you for being upfront and honest and for including the dosage. Youve given those who want the vivid fish a chance to keep them looking their best.

FinVision P/L
Wed Jun 13, 2012, 03:05 AM
Thanks Illusn I just wanted to let people know that didn’t have a clear understanding about the use of pigments , and that they are NOT a HORMONE and that most of the fish food today have natural colour pigments in them , I suggest that every one take a closer look at the small writing on the back of their fish food container, some may be indicated as a number.

if these supplements where not present then most fish would be dull , as you know illusn spirulina is known to have very high traces of beta carotene in it structure in fact Cogins pharmaceutical now (BASF) in western Australia farm algae at their Hutt lagoon facility located 150km north of Geralton http://www.shrimpnews.com/FreeNewsFolder/FreeNewsBackIssues/2010BackIssues/FreeNewsApril201023.html (this is extract from attached link)
Dunaliella salina algae and extracts natural beta-carotene for dietary supplements and natural food colors from it. It also dries the algae for incorporation into animal feeds—including shrimp feed. If you have Google Earth installed on your computer (free, but you must download it from Google), you can view the farm at: 28° 9’56.13” S, 114°15’19.67” E.

It makes an interesting read because its bi product is almost as important as the algae it’s self, and that’s brine shrimp loaded with, you guest it! “Beta carotene”, this is where Pos Aqua get most of their brine shrimp supply. this is also why Pos Aqua’s brine shrimp look more orange than any another brine shrimp on the market.
So if any one wants their red and the blue to be more vivid, then buy pos Aqua’s brine shrimp. The main reason we suggest using Carophyll Yellow is because it isn’t found in any fish food. , all fish food that has pigments, only has the red pigments as I understand it. If Tetra Colour Bits had yellow in it or spirulina and other algae’s or carrots had yellow in it, then we wouldn’t be suggesting Carophyll Yellow which is derived from Apo-Ester and Marigold Extract

You can mix Marigold petals in with your food and it will give a similar effect as Carophyll Yellow, but Marigold petals are uncontrolable. I have noted that this has also been used before in fish. One other reason we suggest using Carophyll Yellow is because you have control over the dosage input, this is also why we use pigments in fish food, manufactures can control the outcome, and natural substances have no control. It might also be mentioned, you can't overdose your fish on Carophyll Yellow , whats not used is excreated. Tetra Colour Bits would not be possible if Tetra had no control over the extra pigment needed to inhance its colour producing properties. Also as an end note Carophyll will priorities the effect of colour over other natural occurring substances

Discus Planetarium
Wed Jun 13, 2012, 07:46 AM
very nice fish brian and a good read thanks for all the info carnt wait to see your new shipment..

Wed Jun 13, 2012, 01:14 PM
Good info and not opposed to colour brightening.
Thought the cannaries and flaming were bad examples flamingos are only pink coz of the food and same with the orange cannaries .

Wed Jun 13, 2012, 01:38 PM
Yeah, but Nev, Canaries aren't naturally yellow either.



FinVision P/L
Wed Jun 13, 2012, 03:53 PM
Thanks for your comment interesting point of view, thanks

Thu Jun 14, 2012, 06:20 AM
Thanks for that information Brian. It makes a very interesting read.

For the last few years, I've been feeding my fry (and adults) spirulina in their beef heart mix. It certainly gave me strong red colouring.

Is it possible to pre order Yellow Tang fish, and do you have an idea of price. Feel free to PM if you prefer.

The yellow is a challenge I'd like to try :P