View Full Version : Maximum Allowable Temperature Swing

Fri Jun 08, 2012, 04:50 AM

First off, A big thanks to those experienced keepers who take the time to answer questions. I've learnt far more ploughing through this forum than I ever did researching on line articles, so cheers.

My question relates to a suggested maximum allowable swing in tank temperature. Living in the tropics, I forsee (still researching my tank) that the temperature will get up to 33-34C during our build up. What would then be the recomended setting of the heater? Would the standard 30C be OK? or is a swing of 3-4C per day to great?


Fri Jun 08, 2012, 05:29 AM
I keep mine temp set at 30,I don't c any probs with temp swings going from 30-33.
Mayb someone who lives in tropics may b more helpful.

Fri Jun 08, 2012, 06:59 AM
have had a heater over heat a discus tank to 34C for 5 days, no problem so long as you have enough airation, in summer my discus tanks often hit 32-34C again no issue, just dont let it dip below 28C