View Full Version : Blue Diamond Snakeskin Discus HELP
Thu May 24, 2012, 04:29 PM
ok so i just bought a new discus from a trusted family own fish store around 3 weeks ago i put my new blue dimaond snakeskin in the tank and for 3 days he was fine he was basically the alphamale in the group of discus i had 7 at the time in a 100 gal and than 3 days later it went all downhill my temp is 85. my ph is 6.6 my amonia is 0 ( i do around 30-50% water changes weekly or every two weeks) my nitrate is all good the pet store place he doesnt know what to say about this fish , i record him so you guys can get a better look on him , imo at first i thought he was in schocked or stressed out but idk now i can see he wants to eat but he just cant . my water quality is fine so idk what the problem is make sure to watch in 1080p so you can see in hd
thanks in advance for reading and trying to help :)
Thu May 24, 2012, 09:49 PM
I'm only guessing, hopefully illusion can give better info.
Velvet disease or maybe discs plague would be my best guess.
Have never had either but my usual treatment for most problems is a water change, raise the temp and ph and add salt.
Fri May 25, 2012, 12:21 PM
I'm afraid that's a very sick fish Joey.
Let me start by saying what you should do when bringing a new fish home.
You absolutely MUST have a quarantine tank, and your new fish should go in there for at least 3 weeks. This rule must never be broken. It lets your new fish settle in, without any competition for food or space (so no stress) and gives you time to see if the fish develops any symptoms that need to be treated, like worms, velvet or even fin rot. It also stops your main display tank from turning into a disaster.
Okay, now you know what you should have done, let's see if we can correct some of the problems. First up, move the fish to a hospital tank. Even one of those food grade plastic bins you get from the $2 shop will work. You don't need anything in there except for a heater and a corner box filter with some mature media from your main tank
filter. No cycling time needed with this new tank. You're using mature filter wool so it's an instant cycle.
Set the temp just a few degrees above your main tank, and each day you will raise the temp till you reach 95 degrees. I also want you to add some rock salt (or cooking salt or kosher salt) NOT table salt because it has corn flour in it to keep it free running. The dose is 2 level tablespoons per 10 gallons (or 40 litres) of tank water. Keep this salt ratio static, so that when you do your water change every second day, if you take out 5 gallons, replace one level tablespoon of salt.
Try to get some live food. It will encourage your fish to eat. He's starting to get that 'pinched' look in the head typical of a fish who has stopped eating.
Good luck. Keep your fish in this tank for t least 3 weeks. Keep him warm, well fed and with lots of clean water. At this stage, I'd say his chances are 50/50. Higher if he's still eating.
You didn't buy a sick fish. Your fish became sick because of the stress of being moved to a new tank with different conditions from what he was used to.
Keep us posted on his progress.
Thu May 31, 2012, 08:58 PM
hey thanks for the info , and to merrilyn i understand about everything you said but to be honest i usually never need it but this is one of those cases i should of did that , but i buy my fish from a very trusted fish store, now 2nd the fish died :( i did everything you said even before i posted this forums i relly dont know why, but good news thou i bought a black/blue finned arrowna and he should be fine with my discus since they are all over 8-12inchs , the tank i have atm is the dream tank i wanted for a year, i have 1 arrowna that is around 18-23 inches now 3 discus (adding 1 more soon) 2 clown loachs 2 corys 1 flounder and 1 golden bristlnose cat fish (only gets 5-6 inchs) in a 100 gallon, it sounds alot because of the arrowna but its relly not , i have 110 aqua clear 50 aqua clear and a 20 gallon fitler thats in the tank but i forgot the name of it and plus of all that i usually change the 20-30% of the water every week or every two weeks i go 40-45% :)
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