View Full Version : I recommend you try Huey Hung Discus Medications
Sun May 06, 2012, 01:54 PM
Hi Gang,
I've recently started using the Huey Hung brand of medications for my discus. I have had a very annoying problem in my tanks in the form of a flagellate protozoal infection (white stringy poo, thining body etc). I had been using Dimetridazole that was available to me over here. I found it worked on the majority but very-very slowly and my fish lost a lot of condition in the process, along with some losses.
I made up a bunch of syphon hoses, buckets etc so that each tank had its own equipment. I tried hard to keep it out of my grow out tank that I have some juvies in but it got in there. It was hard seeing about half of them slowly peppering and losing condition/thinning, not eating. I've lost about 30.
I'd been looking up the Huey Hung meds and I bit the bullet and got some in. It doesn't say what is in it, that's what was holding me back, but then I got to the point of I would try anything to stop the deaths. I noticed a vast improvement over the Dimetridazole. With the Dimetridazole the fish start to poop out the flagellate as it dies in the gut. My fish would still poop white strings for weeks then slowly get better with losses along the way. But with the recommend Huey Hung H4 Super Killer and H2 Bacteria Killer (great names!) combination I have had amazing results! My juvies instead of still pooping the thin white stringy poops for a week or two started to poop really thick fat white poops for a day or two, (expelling it quick) then by day two were noticeably more active. Their colour improved dramatically and 90% plus of the peppering has disappeared. They are feeding well after 3 days of treatment. You are not supposed to feed much during the treatment but they have improved heaps. The small amount of food I put in is just obliterated in no time. There's a couple of small fish still a bit reclusive but the majority of my juvies are powering.
I was recommended by a breeder friend to use at 50% the recommended dose for babies and even use at 80% the recommended dose for adults as its strong stuff and could be a bit much on the weaker fish.
There's a handy sheet in the box that lists all the various symptoms for common discus diseases. It then lists which meds to use etc.
I'm no expert, these are just my experiences. I'm really impressed with the Huey Hung meds. If you look up the Huey Hung website, scroll down the list to Aqua Medicine and the 10 types (2 pages) come up. Click on each for detailed info.
I hope this may help some others,
Sun May 06, 2012, 10:35 PM
Thanks hooked, I've seen these meds sold somewhere but don't remember where. It's always a good idea to change meds after awhile as the germs get used to the same meds and develop a resistance to them and that's why they don't work anymore, I'm going to give them a try as I have had the same problem with my fish that you describe above, I hope it works for me too as its very sad to see nice fish just waste away, thanks again for sharing the info, cheers.
Sun May 06, 2012, 11:25 PM
I too have had a similar problem but it would start on 1 discus and when that 1 was nearly gone it would start on another discus.I have tryed alot of different meds as i have had this problem for about 12 months or more.So i tryed Huey Hungs meds and it cleared all fish up .I havent had any fish have any problems since the treatment.
Discus Planetarium
Mon May 07, 2012, 12:02 AM
they are good meds thats why we have them in stock..
Mon May 07, 2012, 01:04 AM
Hi gang,
The different meds treat for, bacteria infection, protozoal such as Hexamita Spironucleus and Trypanasoma. Tapeworms and fluke. Fungi infection such as Dactylogyrus, Chilodonella, lice and others.
My local specialist discus supplier here in Perth imports it in bulk and sells it for $25 a pack or $30 including postage around Oz. That's a great price from what I have seen around. He's a great guy to deal with. He's used it on some of his stock recently and he to is very impressed with the results. If anyone is having a hard time finding it then pm me and I'll pass on his contact details.
Mon May 07, 2012, 09:21 AM
Thats a good price!!
Mon May 07, 2012, 09:54 AM
these reviews sound great,
has anyone used it in tanks that contain scaleless fish (l numbers loaches) or tetras?
Mon May 07, 2012, 10:24 AM
I'll b trying with a clown loach in with my discus,using both super killer H4 and bacteria killer H2.wil let you no how it goes.Also bn and Cory's in tank. :?
Mon May 07, 2012, 12:29 PM
Hi Illusn,
I'm moving in a week and am having to shift a bunch of tanks. I was planning on putting the major part of my 1200 odd litre display in a 400lt tank while shifting the main tank. The fish in there will be Discus, Corys, Bristlenose, Rummy Nose Tetras, Glowlight Tetras, Bolivian Butterflies etc.
I'm planning on giving them a treatment for the Flagelate and secondary bacterial infection (flared gills) that I'm having a problem with at the moment in my grow out tank. It originated in the display in the beginning. Like Swifto, its recommended on the info sheet to use H2 and H4. I'm going to do a bit more research between now and then re the other fish but if anyone has any first hand experience on these other fish then please let me know,
P.s You try it first Swifto! : )
Tue May 08, 2012, 12:14 AM
Hi Guys,
I've just started using H4 (super killer) on my adult angels last night, will let you know how they go at the end of treatment which should be about 7 days, hope it works as some are bloated and seem to be hanging on to life.
Tue May 08, 2012, 10:36 AM
Hi gang,
I have emailed Huey Hung with a few questions. I'll let you know how I go and share the info,
Tue May 08, 2012, 03:12 PM
How are these prescription only meds coming into the country?
Wed May 09, 2012, 09:22 AM
Hi Merrilyn,
I contacted my supplier over here and basically his reply is "that his business affairs are private but he can assure you that he runs a reputable business and goes to great lengths to ensure all his products are cleared into the country via Australian Customs and all the relevant authorities".
I cant really say any more than that as I don't know the ins and outs of bringing it in or distribution etc or whether its prescription or not in any particular amount etc? I know of a few large main stream Discus suppliers over east that sell it on the shelf. Hope that helps?
Hi all,
I had a reply from Huey Hung today and I'm told it can be used on scale-less-fish at a reduced rate of 30-50% the recommended dose. I'm going to clarify if that is just for the H2 and H4 that I'm using or if it is indeed the whole range which includes about 10 products,
Sun May 20, 2012, 05:26 AM
I've used Super Killer on clown loaches, Synodontis euptera, pleco, silver dollars, assorted american cichlids, goldfish, etc, at full strength with no issues...
Tue May 22, 2012, 02:03 PM
Hi Flaggy,
Thanks mate, I'm treating all my Rummy Nose, Bristle Nose catfish, Corys etc with the Super Killer and Bacterial Killer at the moment as have just relocated my fish after a move and have them all separated in holding tanks. I've been doing at the 50% dose just in case. But I'm glad to hear it seems safe on the smaller fish as well at the fuller doses,
Wed May 23, 2012, 10:44 PM
two fish have died and one is stil lvery bloated and hanging around the surface, I have been feeding the medication through their food for several days don't know if it's going to work, I think I was expecting too much, things don't look very promessing I have to admit, cheers.
Wed Nov 14, 2012, 01:40 AM
One of the discus pair got white poop. Which one should I use? The trouble is they just got free swimming babies in 2 days
Fri Nov 16, 2012, 05:35 AM
white - stringy poop can often be a sign of an internal flagellate infection. I have had good results using the H4 Super Killer along with the H2 Bacterial Killer. (These are the recommended meds on the handy included info sheet that comes with the meds)
It has been recommended to me before to use a 75% dose when using with small babies in the tank.
Having said that though, if you have changed the diet recently, sometimes the poop can be a sign of that. So that's one thing to consider.
I would advise taking some pics if you can and possibly starting a new thread asking for advice also as there are some very knowledgeable people here and some pics may help better with a correct diagnosis. Possibly if the affected fish is still eating and you feel it is indeed a flagellate infection then probably best to mix some in with some frozen food. That way you are putting a lot less meds into the tank. Or possibly consider removing one of the parents to treat in a quarantine tank separately?
The general feedback I get from people is that these Huey Hung meds are reasonably gentle on the fish.
Hope it helps,
Fri Nov 16, 2012, 10:53 AM
Thanks Hooked
Sun Jun 09, 2013, 11:06 AM
Hi all,
Can this product be used with red cherry shrimp in the tank.?
Sun Jul 14, 2013, 12:11 AM
I purchased afew discus discus and currently have them in quarantine, I am using H4 Superkiller as I have read and heard that it contains praziquantel (noted by the disclosure of not to use it with formalin) and Levamisole (for round worms - nematodes) and DMZ (Dimetridazole for flagellates).
If this is true...this is the ideal intestinal wormer as it hits many forms of bad guys discus may carry.
Can anyone confirm if this is true please?
As its not stated on the H4 the active ingredients.
Fri Aug 01, 2014, 08:47 AM
Must say I highly recommend this medication, used it a few times now and dam it works so so good.
Got some new discus from Rod I will be posting pics up soon, this weekend perhaps. Rod has a new supplier, amazing and beautiful discus. Top prices also.
Wed Aug 20, 2014, 11:53 AM
Should I take out carbon befor I use h4 and h2 cheers
Thu Aug 21, 2014, 02:29 AM
yeah take out carbon, and hope your spotted discus pair fry are doing well mate.
Fri Nov 14, 2014, 03:22 PM
Hi all,
I recently had a favourite female damage an eye and start losing condition fast as not feeding well. Moved her to another tank with her partner as was barely swimming after a while and used the H2 and H4. Over about a week and a half she gained composure and started feeding. Moved her back to the main tank about a week after that. She's blind in one eye now. That was a couple of months ago and caught her yesterday beating up the tank bully. I'd say she's doing as well as can be expected. : )
I also use the readily available Kusuri Wormer Plus every month or so. Its a wormer, fluke and parasite killer in one. Seems to help keep things settled. I haven't added anything new for a long while though so have been stretching that out a bit. That's about $45 for 20gms and I use about 7.5 gms to treat my tank from memory for 1000lts. There's plenty of cat fish fry and cory fry, from a few days to a month or so old on the tank floor and it doesn't bother them at all. Supposed to be safe on week old fry and I've noticed no ill effects on them at any age with the Kusuri Plus.
Tue Feb 10, 2015, 09:12 AM
Anyone know where this is still avaliable?
Wed Feb 11, 2015, 10:08 AM
Hi Mate,
What you chasing?
Wed Feb 11, 2015, 01:24 PM
Try ebay, I seen it for sale there.
All the best.
Wed Feb 11, 2015, 05:47 PM
Hi ddr,
Livingfish78 can sort you out. He's helped me out big time,
Sun Jun 14, 2015, 09:22 AM
Anyone know where this is still avaliable?
Found a supplier on eBay
Mon Jun 15, 2015, 09:16 AM
Found a supplier on eBay
I bought from dozza on ebay looked after me good to deal with
Fri Jun 03, 2016, 03:31 AM
anyoen know if these products are still available in Australia
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