View Full Version : pairing discus
Wed May 02, 2012, 12:37 AM
hi people i have a female albino alenquer that had pair up with a blue turq. they had laid eggs but no fry raised . recently i got a male albino alenquer and want to try and pair these up . they actually ended up comming from the same store so i believe they came from luck troplical farm . i have taken my wilds out of my 4ft and placed these two in there . is there any tricks to help them pair up? (
Wed May 02, 2012, 09:30 AM
Lou you can give this method a try. It's worked for me with reluctant pairs. It's not a guarantee, but it's certainly worth trying.
The idea is that we're trying to simulate the end of the dry season and the beginning of the rainy season when there is an influx of food, and discus are stimulated to spawn.
Begin by not doing any water changes for a minimum of ten days. Feed sparingly during this time with dry food or beef heart, but NO live foods. By all means gravel vac the bottom of the tank, and replace the water to keep things clean, but you're only doing maintenance, not water changes.
Gradually raise the temperature by 2 degrees, no more.
On day 10, do a big water change and gradually reduce the temperature by 2 degrees and begin feeding live food and beef heart. Continue doing daily water changes of around 20% and keep the live food up to them until they spawn.
All being well they should spawn within a week of your first big water change. If they don't, go back to step one (no water change for 10 days) and repeat the procedure.
The other thing to try is, if you have a pair spawning in another tank, take some water from that tank and place it in your breeding tank (around 10 litres is enough). The pheromones from the breeders should encourage the new pair.
Good luck. It's all fun :P
Wed May 02, 2012, 12:12 PM
Thanks ill give that a try . I was doing something sort of the same . Turned temp upto 30 but I had been doing water changes daily . So ill hold off for a week and a half and see how it goes then . I've never really feed my discus live food . Normally I use dry food , beef heart and blood worms using a different one at each feed for variety . What live food do you use . Also does live food pose any threats of diseases getting in the tank ?
Thu May 03, 2012, 08:00 AM
My last pairs would always start after a large water change (80%), even without varying their food.
Keep in mind that you've only recently put the new fish in, so give them some time to settle before I'd begin to worry about them spawning.
Thu May 03, 2012, 08:05 AM
Live brine shrimp is probably the safest food to use, and your discus will love the 'chase'. We want them to feel there is an abundance of food.
Keep feeding your beef heart and dried blood worms. Little and often is the way to go.
Thu May 03, 2012, 10:07 AM
I recognise that fish! He is looking good.
I suspect they will get together in their own time, but one thing I sometimes do to simulate a big water change is use discus geo liquid.
I also believe that being able to see other discus stimulates them to bond. You could try a mirror.
Thu May 03, 2012, 11:55 AM
I recognise that fish! He is looking good.
I suspect they will get together in their own time, but one thing I sometimes do to simulate a big water change is use discus geo liquid.
I also believe that being able to see other discus stimulates them to bond. You could try a mirror.
Yea . Thanx again mate I had been looking for a male for a while .
I might give it a couple more weeks and see how it goes naturally before trying anything else . Hmm will have to check if my lfs has live bribe shrimp . I'm guessing its used more like a treat maybe once or twice a week.
Sat May 05, 2012, 04:19 AM
one of his kids to keep you inspired. This was from the San Merah cross.
Sat May 05, 2012, 09:06 AM
one of his kids to keep you inspired. This was from the San Merah cross.
That one has stunning colours. Well it seems I didn't really have to worry about them as the female has layed eggs . The male has done the pass over and they are now guarding them . But I'm guessing with a new formed pair it might take them a few goes. To get to wrigglers .
Sat May 12, 2012, 01:58 PM
How are the eggs going?
Mon May 14, 2012, 08:45 AM
They ate them . But I expected that . With a new pair it can take a few times before they stop eating them
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