Sun Apr 22, 2012, 11:12 AM
140litre, bare bottom grow out tank.
16 baby discus between 3cm to 5cm total length including tail.
30 degrees, Ph 6.6, Gh 3, Kh 3, Nitrites 0, Amonnia 0
20 litre water changes daily with 40litres twice a week
Internal sponge filter and ehiem 2213 (no carbon)
After doing a 40litre water change today half the fish are acting sulky and seem extra skittish with three going completely bananas!!!
When spooked they zoom around in circles, up and down and around losing thier minds!! Getting stuck on spray bars, banging into things to then sorta float for a minute before regaining conciousness and then trying to hide.
Did water changes in three other tanks at the same time, two of which ( another discus tank and an apisto tank) getting the same treatment as in the use of prime, amazon conditioning salts and Aqua Pics Discus Kh stabiliser. The other tank being a guppy tank. None of the other fish in any of the tanks seem to be acting any different at all.
Only thing different lately is ive fed some live black worms yesterday but once again that was to all fish.
Since done another water change of 40litres.
Any help or ideas appreciated. Please even sms me on 0488220143 if anyone has ideas otherwise ill check here reguarly.
Just to add, there are six very small bristlenoses acting normal and some cherry shrimp with no noticable changes in behaviour.
Thanks in adavance Daniel
16 baby discus between 3cm to 5cm total length including tail.
30 degrees, Ph 6.6, Gh 3, Kh 3, Nitrites 0, Amonnia 0
20 litre water changes daily with 40litres twice a week
Internal sponge filter and ehiem 2213 (no carbon)
After doing a 40litre water change today half the fish are acting sulky and seem extra skittish with three going completely bananas!!!
When spooked they zoom around in circles, up and down and around losing thier minds!! Getting stuck on spray bars, banging into things to then sorta float for a minute before regaining conciousness and then trying to hide.
Did water changes in three other tanks at the same time, two of which ( another discus tank and an apisto tank) getting the same treatment as in the use of prime, amazon conditioning salts and Aqua Pics Discus Kh stabiliser. The other tank being a guppy tank. None of the other fish in any of the tanks seem to be acting any different at all.
Only thing different lately is ive fed some live black worms yesterday but once again that was to all fish.
Since done another water change of 40litres.
Any help or ideas appreciated. Please even sms me on 0488220143 if anyone has ideas otherwise ill check here reguarly.
Just to add, there are six very small bristlenoses acting normal and some cherry shrimp with no noticable changes in behaviour.
Thanks in adavance Daniel