View Full Version : wtb air pump and 1000lt tote

Mon Apr 16, 2012, 11:07 PM
hey guys as topic suggests i am after a big air pump and a 1000lt tote i am living in townsville qld

Wed Apr 18, 2012, 09:41 AM
How big, and what's a tote?
Have a spare 4 outlet pump if your interested cheap.

Wed Apr 18, 2012, 12:35 PM
if you dont want to spend much money most of the cheaper chinease ones will do the job, I think resun makes a 1500L/h the LP-20 for about $40AU, little hard to find these days but if your in sydney I'd be very suprised if you couldn't find on in the LFS of cabranatta or canleyvale/heights.
Just bleed off the excess and your all good.

Haleia also make an 8way airpump that puts out ~1200l/h but i think its a little more expensive (sorry cant remember the model number)