View Full Version : questions about chlorine off gassing
Sun Apr 08, 2012, 09:32 PM
hi everyone i have a question to the senior members does anyone know or has tested the time it takes for chlorine to disperse from water in poly tanks with the help of heavy airation.would be interesting to know how long it takes to disperse so the use of dechlorinators would be not needed.also i dont think my water company uses chlorimines.thanks
Sun Apr 08, 2012, 10:40 PM
Chlorine 24-36 hours
Sunlight makes it happen faster
The issue is chloroamine which DOES NOT gas out of water
Miffy moo
Tue Apr 10, 2012, 09:47 PM
Nev I'm a newbie but are on the same water supply as you. Do not trust it, some nights the concentration of ammonia is unbelievable especially when they are diverting supply storages, you can clearly smell it when showering. Be careful!
Tue Apr 10, 2012, 09:51 PM
i agree i would not take any chances with my fish have worked to hard to get where i am today.thanks for the reply
Wed Apr 11, 2012, 04:06 AM
Have contacted barwon water and they tell me that they don't add ammonia (there words) only chlorine. When l asked if they added chloramine to the water supply.
So airation for 24 hours will remove it.
Also in useless facts section, you can smell chlorine, you cannot smell chloramine.
Wed Apr 11, 2012, 04:17 AM
if you have a read of their own water quality report it staes that they use chloroamine disinfection before the water enters the network to retail customers pg 21
Wed Apr 11, 2012, 04:35 AM
i just recieved a email from barwon water that states the water supply to my property in leopold is disinfected with chlorine only. but in saying that there are differant zones in the barwon water regian that treat there water according to which reseviour it comes its better to be safe than sorry so i will still use seachen safe to be sure.
Sun Apr 29, 2012, 02:34 AM
Have contacted barwon water and they tell me that they don't add ammonia (there words) only chlorine. When l asked if they added chloramine to the water supply.
So airation for 24 hours will remove it.
Also in useless facts section, you can smell chlorine, you cannot smell chloramine.
Id disagree with not smelling chloramine. If you have ever been to an indoor pool that "chorine smell" is chloramines evaporating from the water but as it is heavy it hovers over the water and unless air flow is very good it will fall back into the water, this process raises the total chlorimines over time along with other factors.
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