b/n guy
Wed Mar 14, 2012, 09:21 PM
FS/WTB/EOI:- FS or trade for discus
Type of fish/goods:-
a) ellioti
b) skull creek rainbows
c) desert creek rainbow rainbow fish
d) incices (salmon red)
e) pair of other png rainbows
f) pearl gouramis
g) split gene jack demseys (parrents from jabmel)
h) blue acaras
i) kribensis
j) keyhole cichlid
Sex(if known):-
a) 3f/6m (I think)
b) 1m/2f
d) male
e) pair
f) 3 males
g) ---
h) ---
i) sold to me as a pair
j) male I think
a) 4 are 7-9cm, others are 4cm
c) 8-9cm
d) 11cm
e) 8-9cm
f) 11-12cm
g) 3cm
h) 3-4cm
i) 5-6cm
j) 11cm
a) yes
b) no, in desplay tank
c) no, in desplay tank
d) no
e) no
g) no
h) trying to
i) ---
j) ---
a) 9- 4 are mixed bloodline, at least 2 is sydney bloodline,
b) 3
c) 2
e) 1 pair
f) 3
g) 8 or 9
h) 5 approx
i) 1 pair
j) 1
a) $150 for 9.
b) $20 for the 3.
c) $20 for 2
d) $15
e) $15 for pair
f) $25 for 3
g) $4ea
h) $4ea or all for $15
i) $10 for pair
j) $10
or will swap for discus or $230 the lot, there will be extras
Location:- Ferny hills
Shipping Y/N:- yes, AAE
Contact:- pm or ring (07) 3851 1133
Comments:- great fish, just want some change.
Photos:- can get some if needed
Type of fish/goods:-
a) ellioti
b) skull creek rainbows
c) desert creek rainbow rainbow fish
d) incices (salmon red)
e) pair of other png rainbows
f) pearl gouramis
g) split gene jack demseys (parrents from jabmel)
h) blue acaras
i) kribensis
j) keyhole cichlid
Sex(if known):-
a) 3f/6m (I think)
b) 1m/2f
d) male
e) pair
f) 3 males
g) ---
h) ---
i) sold to me as a pair
j) male I think
a) 4 are 7-9cm, others are 4cm
c) 8-9cm
d) 11cm
e) 8-9cm
f) 11-12cm
g) 3cm
h) 3-4cm
i) 5-6cm
j) 11cm
a) yes
b) no, in desplay tank
c) no, in desplay tank
d) no
e) no
g) no
h) trying to
i) ---
j) ---
a) 9- 4 are mixed bloodline, at least 2 is sydney bloodline,
b) 3
c) 2
e) 1 pair
f) 3
g) 8 or 9
h) 5 approx
i) 1 pair
j) 1
a) $150 for 9.
b) $20 for the 3.
c) $20 for 2
d) $15
e) $15 for pair
f) $25 for 3
g) $4ea
h) $4ea or all for $15
i) $10 for pair
j) $10
or will swap for discus or $230 the lot, there will be extras
Location:- Ferny hills
Shipping Y/N:- yes, AAE
Contact:- pm or ring (07) 3851 1133
Comments:- great fish, just want some change.
Photos:- can get some if needed