View Full Version : What to feed my discus fry?
Wed Feb 29, 2012, 05:44 AM
Hi, I have a breeding pair of discus that have laid which have hatched.1 day old. Need some advice on what to feed them after they detach from parents?
Very greatful for all tips! Thanks,Arlee.
Wed Feb 29, 2012, 07:31 AM
Let them feed off the parents for around 10 days and after that you can begin feeding Baby brine shrimp can hatch yourself or buy the frozen cubes from your LFS. A week after the BBS start with beef heart finely grated.
Hope this helps.
Thu Mar 01, 2012, 09:20 AM
thats awesome thnx jon,
other tips will be appreciated...
any more ideas what to feed would be awesome!
Thu Mar 01, 2012, 11:57 AM
ADA supply a range of specialist micro granules ideal for fry (its what we feed all of our Discus young)
AP-1 Gold
AP-2 Gold
Ap-3 Gold
Thu Mar 01, 2012, 12:34 PM
Frozen bbs, as said above, and l just feed beefheart to parents and the young eat all the small stuff.
Sun Mar 04, 2012, 06:35 AM
Microworms are a great starter food too, but you must have a bare bottom tank.
Sun Mar 04, 2012, 06:36 AM
my discus have 5 day old fry and they are now laying a lot more eggs with the fry still alive??
what do i do?
Sun Mar 04, 2012, 06:39 AM
Not much you can do Arlee. Some young pairs will do that if they decide the existing batch is not large enough to put the effort in to raise them. They want to start over again with a bigger batch.
How many 5 day old fry do you think you've got?
Sun Mar 04, 2012, 06:49 AM
30 or so
the fry are still happily swimmin with mum and dad
thnx 4 answering
Sun Mar 04, 2012, 06:55 AM
Well you can either let nature take it's course, or remove the eggs yourself, but there's no guarantee the parents won't lay again if you remove the eggs.
Personally I'd leave things up to the parents, and just wait and see what happens.
One of our members had a similar thing happen. You can read about it here
Good luck.
Tue Mar 06, 2012, 01:11 AM
Hi Arlee,
As Merrilyn said, I had this happen recently. I think all you can do is let them get on with it. My fry are growing out well now. They will do what they want to do. Keep it clean, possibly add some salt to the water etc? If I can answer any questions or pass on my limited knowledge, drop me a PM,
All the best,
Thu Mar 15, 2012, 08:18 AM
Bad news,
I took the eggs out of the tank and came back later and they had eaten all the eggs!
since then they have laid and eaten another batch of eggs.
Am still waitin 4 the nxt batch.
Fingers crossed.
Thu Mar 15, 2012, 03:46 PM
Hi Arlee,
Was it the fry you took out of the tank (not the eggs)? Then they ate the eggs?
My fish did similar things to yours, laying again quickly, but in the end I just let them get on with it. I was tempted to remove the baby fry when they laid again so quick but thought best not to mess with them. They survived and the parents happily looked after them. I've had a little panic here and there, thought the parents had worms, thought the fry had flukes etc. Asked all the questions, found out how to treat from the good people here. But held off in the end as I wasn't 100% sure. Best thing I could have done! The only thing I add to my grow out tank is a little salt to inhibit parasites etc. My fry are growing.... despite my best efforts in the beginning to "save" them. I figured they do it all the time in the wild without my help : )
If its a typo and you removed the fry then maybe that freaked out the parents. They eat there eggs, fry etc to protect them from growing up in a hostile environment??? Apparently it makes sense to them.....
I don't think you said what kind of tank they are in or what possible tank mates there are? Just keep it as mellow an environment as you can and they will come around hopefully soon. Good stable ph and temp. Very clean water and resist the urge to get too involved. : )
Hope my 2cents worth helps mate,
Fri Mar 16, 2012, 07:33 AM
no,sorry it was a typo and i removed the eggs not the fry. inside the tank there are no other tankmates except 4 little bottom feeders.
it is a medium sized tank with only a little amount of plants.
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