View Full Version : Discus reaction to mesh over eggs

Sun Feb 05, 2012, 02:10 PM
I bought a pair off a guy who had gotten fry from them but said they were eggeaters and i need to cover the eggs with mesh. Well ive let them spawn 5times each time they eat the eggs like clockwork on the second day. So i decided to try the mesh idea. The male absolutely hated it and tried to move it with his mouth and the female watched him gettin crabby with the mesh. So i gave in and removed it. Ive noticed its the female that eats the eggs so should i remove her and see how the male goes by himself or try with the mesh again and leave it there until the fry hatch?

Sun Feb 05, 2012, 02:26 PM
Remove the female. The fry will do fine with just one parent looking after them.

Sun Feb 05, 2012, 03:26 PM
yeah i figured as much. Thanks for the quick reply :D

Sun Feb 05, 2012, 09:00 PM
Just keep up the baby brine shrimp and you won't have a problem. I shared an egg eating girl between 2 boys and both males were more then capable of raising fry on their own