View Full Version : Discus Pairs

Tue Jan 24, 2012, 10:52 PM
Hi all, long time member :o but got lost and forgot which fourm i joined :oops: Glad i worked it out.
I have been keeping discus for around 20 years now, I am getting old lol.
I have found over the last year or so, That people (in melbourne) are just buying discus, trying to get a pair and then sell them for a fortune. Even if they haven't raised fry, as long as they have laid eggs, they are a pair?
Is this just me or has anyone else noticed this?

Wed Jan 25, 2012, 12:38 AM
I totally agree with u Dave.This happens alot on another forum (melb based )But while people are stupid enough to pay the high prices the sellers are asking for unconfurmed pairs they will keep doing so.