Mon Mar 28, 2005, 09:42 AM
hi peoples!
You might have seen in my other post "ocean greens" that i have a few babies, well its almost that stage to start feeding them, usually newly hatched baby brine shrimp are the way to go, but! i was at my LFS today and they have some frozen baby brineshrimp , just wondered if any breeders have used it with sucess? Mind you it does not come any cheaper! 50 grams was 12 bucks!
You might have seen in my other post "ocean greens" that i have a few babies, well its almost that stage to start feeding them, usually newly hatched baby brine shrimp are the way to go, but! i was at my LFS today and they have some frozen baby brineshrimp , just wondered if any breeders have used it with sucess? Mind you it does not come any cheaper! 50 grams was 12 bucks!