View Full Version : Frozen baby brine shrimp?

Mon Mar 28, 2005, 09:42 AM
hi peoples!
You might have seen in my other post "ocean greens" that i have a few babies, well its almost that stage to start feeding them, usually newly hatched baby brine shrimp are the way to go, but! i was at my LFS today and they have some frozen baby brineshrimp , just wondered if any breeders have used it with sucess? Mind you it does not come any cheaper! 50 grams was 12 bucks!


Mon Mar 28, 2005, 10:01 AM
i remeber another post about the same thing

o can't remeber the results though, sorry

Mon Mar 28, 2005, 10:34 AM
Ben it's fine. I don't start to use it till they have been feeding happily on the live brine shrimp for a week or so. If you start with the froz stuff it takes them longer to recognize it as food.

Don't overfeed. It goes off real quick in the warm water.