Fri Dec 30, 2011, 03:38 PM
Hi all,
Ive been on the search for breeding tanks. 2 x 2's has been a recommended size. I've recently purchased a couple of breeding pairs that should arrive next week. I have also a pair that has recently declared their affections.
I've been thinking of dividing a 6 x 2 x 2 into 3 sections with glass and silicon.
Firstly does the individual size of 2 x 2 sound a good size to the experienced breeders? Or too big/small?
Would a see through, divided tank be beneficial? Promote good caring/defending skills? Or opposite effect, possible cause unwanted distraction between the divided fish being able to see each other? Should I make the dividers from opaque glass? Any pros or cons to think of.
Like most I'm limited for space as the hobby is spreading like a multiplying "virus". Just thought this might be a compact unit instead of the individual units?
Thanks for your time,
Ive been on the search for breeding tanks. 2 x 2's has been a recommended size. I've recently purchased a couple of breeding pairs that should arrive next week. I have also a pair that has recently declared their affections.
I've been thinking of dividing a 6 x 2 x 2 into 3 sections with glass and silicon.
Firstly does the individual size of 2 x 2 sound a good size to the experienced breeders? Or too big/small?
Would a see through, divided tank be beneficial? Promote good caring/defending skills? Or opposite effect, possible cause unwanted distraction between the divided fish being able to see each other? Should I make the dividers from opaque glass? Any pros or cons to think of.
Like most I'm limited for space as the hobby is spreading like a multiplying "virus". Just thought this might be a compact unit instead of the individual units?
Thanks for your time,