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Tue Dec 27, 2011, 03:59 AM
Hi,I'm about to order a new tank but not sure if to go a sump or just go canister.Tank to b 4x2x3ft,I no a sump is better but what are the pros and cons vs wet and wet/dry,choice of black or blue contact put on back of tank which size pump for the sump.These are just a few thing I need advice on to start with thanks.Rob

Tue Dec 27, 2011, 09:30 AM
I don't know much about sumps swifto. The only time I had one installed, the noise nearly drove me nuts. I know the more modern ones use baffles to quieten the noise down, but I still can't go past the big Eheim filters.

I had four of them on the ten foot tank, and they did a perfect job. Super reliable, quiet and efficient, and the water was always crystal clear.

I do like black as the background of a tank, but it depends on the colour of the discus. Some just look better with blue background.

Tue Dec 27, 2011, 09:41 AM
I personally prefer canister filters because of how quiet they are . If the tank is gonna be in the living room a sump might drive you nuts . Also have you thought about a 3d background. I recently got one for my 4ft and it looks great . If you wanna see it its posted in the welcome section

Tue Dec 27, 2011, 09:55 AM
Yeah I was concerned about the noise of the sump/weir,yes I have Eheim2080 on a standard 5ft tank and the water is crystal clear .black on the back of the tank would b a worry making some discus appear darker than they are ??.I'm thinking I would need 2 Eheim2080/2180,so cost of a sump is the cheaper option.

Tue Dec 27, 2011, 10:38 AM
Why not use a Fx5 they are cheaper then a 2080 . I use one on my 6 x 2 x 2 and it works great

Tue Dec 27, 2011, 12:50 PM
My sump is basically silent, no reason yours would be noisey, wet/dry sumps can be noisey but just wet can be made very quiet.
There's a fair bit of info out in Google land if you wanna do a bit of searching. Or just ask on here - if your lazy like the rest of us. lol

Wed Dec 28, 2011, 08:07 AM
Nev,it's not lazy to ask on here im just time restricted.I'll more than likely go with a Ehiem2180 as I don't like to have a heater in the tank.Now just to find a tank that's 4x2x3,cabinet+hood at the best price in sydney,so I'm asking u guys on here if anyone no's where to get it at a good price.

Wed Dec 28, 2011, 10:09 AM
For the best price/quality I'd be asking Abyss Aquarium at Campbelltown or Total Marine at Moorebank.
I agree with Nev. If you go for a wet sump and a Durso stand pipe in the weir, there's no reason that your setup couldn't be as quiet as a sump. It will just take some careful planning and setup - although a canister will be much easier to setup.
I have a 2080 (ner, nee, ner Ghoti :P) and love it. I'm not sure how much dearer the 2180 is, but you can always buy an inline heater. Same outcome - no heater in the tank, but if you're heater fails simply replace the heater without effecting your filter.

Wed Dec 28, 2011, 12:43 PM
I have a 2080 (ner, nee, ner Ghoti :P) and love it.

Bah, Humbug Swampy!

I run two canisters on my 6 footer and have crystal clear water without the trouble
of setting up a sump. :D


Wed Dec 28, 2011, 01:55 PM
I did a DIY sump from a 55g tank for my 180. It makes no noise at all. It has siphon drains 2 x 1-1/4" also DIY. As long as your drain pipe goes below the water line in the sump there is no noise with a wet sump. My sump pumps 1700+ GPH of water through the tank and make a nice river effect for my rainbows.