View Full Version : Head first into Discus & it's steep. Hello folks.
Mon Dec 12, 2011, 11:15 AM
Would like to introduce myself into my very first Fish Forum, mostly out of necessity since I started keeping Discus. I'm a quick learner, but the amount of variables which can unbalance discus is huge.
I have been keeping fish for 4 yrs, 3 of those in a 4ft community planted tank with good success. My 4ft smashed during the house move (without the fish & yes, devastating) so I built an 8ft stand, put a tank on it & bought some angels as I thought I would go into cichlids, but then discus option came along, and we saw a good sale going on them. I also started a 3ft marine nano. Well, I havent slept as well since then :lol: but the discus is incredibly beautiful & I want/need to expand my knowledge, improve my techniques and develop myself as an aquarist to make a happier home for them, as they have been struggling.
Mr Wild
Mon Dec 12, 2011, 08:35 PM
Well they obviously have plenty on room! But the first thing I see is that you have bough babies and they are more challenging to raise. To get the best from them pop them into a bare bottom tank on their own and feed as often as you can. Water change each day with preconditioned water and you will get quick growth. Worm regularly and wipe down all sides and the bottom when you water change. The when they are older and the feeds have cut down they will be better suited to your tank. Some also say they should never be put with angels as they carry a disease that discus can get. I never mix them but I know others have and have no dramas with it. Just my 2cents worth.
Tue Dec 13, 2011, 12:07 AM
Welcome to the forum Hiro. Young discus are not easy to raise, and Kath has given you some excellent advice. Once mature, they are much easier to keep. :P
Tue Dec 13, 2011, 07:25 AM
Yeah, it has been. I heard "Don't keep angels with discus, cos of cross contamination. Comes down to having to treat 2 opposing species in one tank is a big hassle.' But to tell you the truth, the angels have not been cause of any problem so far, it has been myself, and a Buenos Aires tetra that got external parasites from a fish shop I bought from. NO, I dont have a quarantine tank... That picture was initial set up when we bought 12 discus in April for $400 all up. They were easy for several months, but I got way busy and slack with maintenance. We now have 7 left, and looks like they will settle into healthy adults. And its also possible 1 or 2 might have also been a weak strain... But now I'm just getting over a bacterial infection with 2 of them, due to not changing water enough as I am renovating house myself. It's a fine balance to keep them happy, renovate, help with kids, and work. The intro wouldnt let me upload 2 pics, so I am also pasting this one for now.
I have much less plants now, and recently put some huge mangrove roots in, which caused an algae bloom, the wood was contaminated even though I rinsed it. I paid $350 in wood to get an algae bloom-I was PISSED! Now seriously considering changing substrate to sand, pulling out/changing more plants, keeping Vall, swords & Floaties with more wood. OH :!: And changing water-crikey :!:
Thanks for the warm replies. :D
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