View Full Version : Help with moving or sell...
Sat Dec 10, 2011, 01:01 AM
Hi there,
We are in Perth and busy moving in less than two weeks time. We will be getting the keys to our new place on the same day we have to move out, so it will not be possible to set up a tank in the new place on time. I have 16 discus approx 10cm each - 6x blue diamonds, 6x red melons and 4x pigeons. All very healthy and fed mainly on beef heart. If there is anyone out there who has a fish ready spare tank that could accommodate my fish for a week or two please pm me. I will pay a boarding fee if you have a suitable facility and if you are willing to help. Alternatively I am prepared to sell the fish at a very reasonable price that will be 50% or less of any pet shop price but would like to sell the lot at once. There is also a group of Sterbai Corys in the tank that keep laying eggs all the time and will definitely breed if kept separately from discus.
Thank you.
Sat Dec 10, 2011, 01:56 AM
That's a shame to need to sell Tommy. I'm moving Monday and have a few tanks to move so I know your anguish..
Some pics and a price would definately help with the sale, but here's hoping you can get them boarded for your move :wink:
Sat Dec 10, 2011, 04:12 AM
As a matter of interest, how far are you moving?
Just a thought, but could a neighbour loan you some garage space for a short while? I would think matching water parameters would be simple so you could put fish in a large bucket (I have a 160lt one from bunnings which cost $60). Run your filters on reduced flow. That would give you a couple of hours to drain and move tanks to garage and refill for fish ( use hotwater for fast heating and something like sperchlor which also removes copper and zinc as well as chlorine).
Then move fish. Repeat when new house ready. Just a thought 8-)
Sat Dec 10, 2011, 04:21 AM
Hi Tommi,
Have you considered moving the majority of your tank water to your new house in 220lt plastic drums? I have a source near me where I can get them for $20. Fish in a couple of large 20lt buckets, run your cannister filter in another bucket of tank water using a 12/240volt in car inverter which can also run an air pump if needed?
It might save you a lot of double handling as maybe you will have the use of a ute or trailer on the day and it would also reduce the amount of risk of your fish picking up something in a new environment?
I hope you do get to keep your fish mate as there just aren't enough discus keepers here in Perth as it is.
I'm in East Freo, not sure how close that is to you? I have a 500lt spare tank here that possibly I can help you with as a last resort but maybe moving your tank last thing on the move day might be better for you all round?
Hope this helps,
Mon Dec 26, 2011, 02:00 PM
Thank you for all the advice guys. It's been a tough move as the seller of our new home gave us the keys on the same day we had to vacate our rental property, and there were some other dramas along the way, so we didn't really have much choice and it is not easy moving around Xmas. Having called 10 or so pet shops aroud Perth one of the friendly local petshops gave me credit for all the fish and they really saved me a lot of trauma as I was really fond of them (I don't think we are allowed to advertise here but the shops name starts with a "V" and it is near Freo :-) ) _ I was really grateful for the help.
I only keep Discus as a hobby but my whole stock of 16 was from Marlon and they were really healthy and good looking fish and I grew them from babies. I had them for a year and never had such a healthy and good looking stock before. On the first day they flew in they were eating from my hand.
Anyway, I will need to start from scratch in the new year year, but I wanted to redocarate the tank anyway. If anyone knows a source of clear ammonia I would appreciate the info...
All the best for the New Year.
Best regards,
Mon Dec 26, 2011, 10:07 PM
That's a shame they couldn't 'agist' them for you mate, but at least you were saved from some of the hassle.
I had to move myself on the 13th this month, so I know what you're going through. I had to move a 4ftr that's holding all the plant and livestock for my new project, and a 90L tank with some high grade Crystal shrimp - so always nervous moving them :P
All the best with the new setup.
Wed Dec 28, 2011, 05:02 AM
Hi Tommy, I got some ammonia a few months ago from Big Bubble in Midland. It is a 25% solution of pure ammonia in water. Works fine for fishless cycling, have done 8 tanks that way now!
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