Tue Nov 22, 2011, 02:13 PM
The end result is I lost what seemed to be a healthy discus today suddenly and I don't know why ?
Here is the sequence of events:
Sunday - 50% water change, gravel vacuum & trimmed plants. By the end of the water change this discus was laying on it's side as if dead with only it's eye moving. It gradually recovered but remained timid. Before this water change the discus was healthy, feeding well and active. It should be noted that these Marlboro's have always (since I bought them about 12 months ago) been timid and super sensitive to tank maintenance.
Monday - Discus was timid and subdued but occasionally came out and swam with it's other 5 discus tank mates. Did not feed.
Tuesday - Still was timid but was coming out more often to swim with the other discus and started to seem interested in food. By early afternoon it was 'cowering' at the bottom of the tank, similar to if it was being threatened. Within 30 minuted my wife called me in a panic. By the time I came down the fish was dead with one eye almost out of it's socket and the other slightly enlarged. No other injuries or deformations were evident. Prior to Sunday it seemed a perfectly healthy discus with good behavior, colour and shape.
If anyone can shed so light on what went wrong and why this happened I would appreciate it as this is a very sad thing to happen when everything seemed to be going so well.
Here are some photo links for the dead discus and the bulging eyes.
As always, many thanks for your input. :cry:
Here is the sequence of events:
Sunday - 50% water change, gravel vacuum & trimmed plants. By the end of the water change this discus was laying on it's side as if dead with only it's eye moving. It gradually recovered but remained timid. Before this water change the discus was healthy, feeding well and active. It should be noted that these Marlboro's have always (since I bought them about 12 months ago) been timid and super sensitive to tank maintenance.
Monday - Discus was timid and subdued but occasionally came out and swam with it's other 5 discus tank mates. Did not feed.
Tuesday - Still was timid but was coming out more often to swim with the other discus and started to seem interested in food. By early afternoon it was 'cowering' at the bottom of the tank, similar to if it was being threatened. Within 30 minuted my wife called me in a panic. By the time I came down the fish was dead with one eye almost out of it's socket and the other slightly enlarged. No other injuries or deformations were evident. Prior to Sunday it seemed a perfectly healthy discus with good behavior, colour and shape.
If anyone can shed so light on what went wrong and why this happened I would appreciate it as this is a very sad thing to happen when everything seemed to be going so well.
Here are some photo links for the dead discus and the bulging eyes.
As always, many thanks for your input. :cry: