View Full Version : Never seen this before!!!

Fri Nov 18, 2011, 05:14 AM
Hey Guys,

Was sitting in the chair last night, and watched 1 females discus lay eggs and 3 males all try and fertilise them, it was very organised, 1 male took a swipe at a time, and they all seemed to guard the eggs. Figured that they would eat the eggs soon after but they were still there when I went to bed.

The eggs were still there this morning, and all 4 of them seemed to be guarding the eggs, not sure from what, they are the only fish in the tank.

Be interesting to see if there tonight. Anyone see this before?



Fri Nov 18, 2011, 05:24 AM
I've once had a 'trio' before. Again, they all seemed very sociable and organised. They got to wrigglers but were soon eaten as they weren't the only fish in the tank.

Fri Nov 18, 2011, 05:57 AM
I Think samir had a similar tghing happen with an albino girl and 3 male heckels back in 2008

Discus Planetarium
Fri Nov 18, 2011, 12:45 PM
i have a leopard snakeskin female and 2 males big brown and blue turk have had fry lol....