View Full Version : Short sighted Discus

Thu Aug 18, 2011, 11:36 AM

My disucs of 7 years has got a bit of a crooked mouth and seems to misjudge the distance of her food. So at the moment I have her in a quarantine tank so that she can take her time trying to eat which isn't going very well. :cry:

Could this be an age related issue? Is my discus short sighted?

Mr Wild
Thu Aug 18, 2011, 11:36 PM
Well isn't that lovely to have one of that age in your care! Shows how well you have looked after her/him.

I would say it is age related, I had one that got so old its skin looked like leather but he still ate and swam and generally had quality of life when that declined however I decised to euthanize him.

I cannot say you should do that or even if it is age related just thought I would let you know my story- he was about 9yrs at the time.