View Full Version : Is this worms or some other problem

Thu Aug 04, 2011, 08:38 AM
Hi All,

We recently (Sunday) gave our discus a worm treatment (Promethyasul) as they were all looking quiet unhappy, and had some signs of worms. Since then they have all started to behave normally apart from the smallest one. He is still hiding/timid and has a reduced appetite. Today i noticed a long (a bit under an inch) white poo coming out of him. See images below.


I was just wondering if there is something else wrong with him, and if there is another treatment i should be giving them.

P.S. Since i know people will ask water parameters are:
PH 6.4
Amonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5
Temp is approx 28 celcius (83 fahrenheit)

Thu Aug 04, 2011, 09:32 PM
Looks quite solid for worms so I am not sure. If you gave the treatment on sunday then possibly it is and they are movin' on out. Follow the directions and re dose at 7-10 days. If this is worms it sure is a belly full so it will take a while for them to clean out.

Fri Aug 05, 2011, 11:24 AM
Thanks for the reply lpiasente

He has started to go more down hill. He isn't eating now, and he mainly floating in the top corner of the tank, when he was swimming earlier he was going round in loop the loops. Any more ideas on what we can do?

We will move him to isolation soon, but the heater died in our hospital tank so i need to get a new one tomorrow.

Fri Aug 05, 2011, 11:30 AM
Gertrude form looking at the photo i would say it looks like some kind of internal parasite/ worm, i would get onto a water change asap and keep doing them daily, maybe also someone like illusin can confirm that maybe bringing your temp up to 30odd could be helpful.

I just had some worming issues after getting some new stock a few weeks ago and treated with Big L pig and poultry wormer from my local produce store, and am now running a course of fluke and tapeworm(prazi). Till tomorrow then more water changes.

HTH Justin

Thu Aug 11, 2011, 04:09 PM
I have had something similar in my discus. The discus was shy and not eating.
After eliminating that it is not worms I treated with metro with success.
Put fish in quarantine tank - good size 40 litres - or partially fill tank to give 40 litres.
Raise temp to 32-33 degrees
Day 1: metro 25mg/l at night
Day 2; 50% water change
Day 3: metro 25mg/l at night
Day 4; 50% water change
Day 5: metro 25mg/l at night
Day 6; 50% water change

Continue with 10mg/l + 50% water change every day until the fish is eating and pooing a solid dark stool.

Make sure you have no lights or UV during treatment - best to cover in a blanket.

Illusn is good with meds and a great help.

Hope this helps.