View Full Version : NatuRose Natural Astaxanthin

mistakes r crucial
Mon Jul 25, 2011, 09:37 PM
Finally, our shipment of NatuRose will hit Sydney tomorrow and be up here in Qld sometime next week.

Two lots of good news is price and strength. Cyanotech are now making it at double the strength (2%) so you can use half as much and because of the strength of our dollar it's about 25% less than it was 2 years ago.

It will be sold in just 2 sizes 100gms at $29.95 and 1kg lots at $242. At 80ppm 100gms will make 25kg of food.

It's going to be packaged in re-sealable coffee satchels as they are air, light and to an extent, heat proof. Best things we've found by far for Astaxanthin.

If you have any questions about Astaxanthin please ask away.