View Full Version : Water temp for breeding
Mon Mar 21, 2005, 11:17 AM
Just wondering what would be the rigth temperature for breeding? Many says that drop in water temp while changing water can trigger spawning, if that the case should i just set the tempt low? 24-25C ?? Its getting cold in Sydney these days anyway.. Thanks
Mon Mar 21, 2005, 01:15 PM
The drop in temperature should only be temporary. I like to change 50% of the tank water with water slightly cooler than normal. It drops the water down by about 2-3 degrees, but only for a short time, till the heater catches up again, usually about 12 hours.
I set my breeding tanks at 29 degrees and refill with water at 25 degrees. That makes the whole tank around 26 degrees, but it's back up to 29 within 12 hours. See if that helps.
Tue Mar 22, 2005, 06:24 AM
I find 27.5 - 28 works well. Dropping the water temp by even 1-2degrees as described by Ladyred works well. If you have everything else right messing with the temp shouldn't be necessary.
Tue Mar 22, 2005, 10:31 PM
So far all these have triggered spawning in my tank.
1. Temperature drop then raise Never really measured what the drop was but it is more than a degree i would guess
2. Not having the time to do a water change :)
3. Totally scrubbing the tank to clean all surfaces gets one of my pairs going :)
My advice is try it all and see what works for you pair.
Tue Mar 22, 2005, 11:00 PM
What gets my pair going is: I have the tank water set at 30.c, but this temp can be out by 2.c each way,( i have put 3 digital themoters in the one tank in the same spot and got 3 differnet readings, but not out by more than 2.c.)
I have a 220 litre drum 1 1/2 above the ground, this is heated at 25.c, because i let gravity fill the tank ,after i have done a 40% water change it takes around 10 mintues to top up a 4 foot tank.
Even though it is rather time consuming, there is no huge shock to the fish, unlike tiping buckets at a time into the tank.
i do a water change every 3rd day (minimum) at 25 % but i do the %40 once a week.
when i do this big waterchange its amazing! i usually do it at around 8am in the morning and at 5pm a few pair have laid eggs!
Most of my pairs are fairly young, at the moment so
they are not quite getting it right.
cheers, Ben
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