View Full Version : new discus intro
Sun Mar 20, 2005, 08:33 PM
Hi all. I can't recall if I've posted here b/4 but here goes
I recently bought 2 new fish ; 1 marlboro red & 1 gold sunset and introduced them into a 90 gal. community tank that already housed 1 blue & 1 marlboro red. now the blue discus paid no attention to the newcomers but the red chased them everywhere thus preventing them from eating. I therefore removed the resident red to another 90 gal. for the time being, where its eating and behaving itselfs...
I hope to keep it there untill the newbies acclimate and start eating . I gues I'm asking if it's the right thing to do, I have very little experiance with discus and need all the advice I can get. I've lost 3 azure blue's in the recent past and sure don't want to loose anymore, these things are kinda pricey at $40 a peace. So i'm awaiting your guidence and/or agreement
Mon Mar 21, 2005, 01:49 AM
Hello bear, and welcome to the forum. That's a beautiful looking tank you have there. Being cichlids, discus can be very territorial and that's happening in your case.
You have done the right thing by removing the dominant fish from the tank. It takes about two months for the order to change, and your new fish to settle in and feel comfortable. Then you can return the bully to the tank, and the order will already be established.
Any health questions you've got, post them on this forum. We're here to help you.
Mon Mar 21, 2005, 11:36 PM
Hello Marrilyn
Thanks for the info and the advice its much appreciated , I had hoped a couple of weeks in exile would have been enough but it looks like mr. bully is in for a 2 month sentence. If he/she asks I'm going to blame it on you ha ha.
however ,on a more serious note I will be asking for advice of n on when I run into problems and I'm sure I will. I shouln't be pestering you to much tho for I have 5 other hobbies vying for my time, keeping me occupied
Tue Mar 22, 2005, 09:14 AM
Hi ya bear - hey that's what we're here for, so ask away :lol:
Tue Mar 22, 2005, 09:50 AM
welcome to a wondeful forum
you have done the right thing
teach the bully some solitary confiment
Tue Mar 22, 2005, 10:49 AM
hi bear,
u might ofcourse i dont know how current the pic is of your tank but you might want to remove that red-tailed black shark youve got there. they dont make the best of tank mates with discus from a size and agresion point of view.
could you please post your tanks status: parameters, occupants, W/C reigeme, filteration ect. so we can help with any adjustments you should make so you dont have to suffer many more losses.
very nice tank by the way :)
Tue Mar 22, 2005, 10:57 AM
Nice tank bear, I had a red tail shark in with my discus and I loved him but he had to go as he started to chase all the catfish around I think as they like the same caves etc that catfish do and become very territorial but I never had trouble with him and my discus though :?
Tue Mar 22, 2005, 11:41 AM
great looking planted tank mate! and welcome to the forum
Tue Mar 22, 2005, 10:23 PM
These are my usual water stats
My water change schedule is somewhat sporadic
for I have to truck my water in from the city.
I try to change 40% on a 20 day rotation best I can do
the tank in the picture is one I took 2 years ago
I will be taking some new ones shortly I hope The tank & inhabitants are
90 gal. long , 3 discus , 3 angels , 5 card. tetra's ,4 neon rainbows ,3 boesemani rainbows 3 small type pl*co's , 5cl. Loaches, 2 farlowella's, 5 emperor tetra's I think thats about it
PH 7.0 - 7.2
GH 8.96
KH 4.48
Amm 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20 -25 ppm
Tue Mar 22, 2005, 11:11 PM
Bear, those stats are fine. Your nitrate is a little high, but that is understandable with your difficulty changing the water. It would be wise to test your water just before, and just after a water change to see if it alters things dramatically. It might be better to store half of that water and do two water changes of 20% each 10 days.
Is your local water totally unsuitable for aquarium use? What about if you were to try collecting rain water.
Wed Mar 23, 2005, 07:28 AM
Helo Bear! Welcome to DF! Your tank looks wonderful even from a few years back. I am looking forward to more recent ones when you post them!
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