Sun Jun 12, 2011, 05:04 AM
Hi All,
I have now had my discus for around two months and not counting an ammonia spike things are doing well.
After buying the test equipment I can now say:
Ammonia: <0.2
Nitrite: 0
PH: 6.2 - 6.4
Water is clean (do 20% change every two days) and age the water (not overnight) using air pumps plus additives to elimate ammonia and heavy metals etc.
Fish are eating well and growing along with the bottom feeders (2 bronze cattys', 1 peppemint catty and 2 bristlenoses). Feed them beef heart (sparingly), brine shrimp, sinking pellets, 'algae' wafers, frozen blood worms and dried blackworms.
I just wanted to know how often I should clean my external canister (1100) and what should I clean in it (no instructions). It is the layered type with bio balls, noodles, sponges, clay packet etc.
Also I have noticed that there is this green 'furry' stuff growing on my plant leaves, it looks different to just plain algae and is like a 'plant' itself. Do I need to be concerned and if so what should I do?.
Read the forums and this is by far the most informative and helpful site around. Not to mention the retailers here whom I have contacted and bought products from......excellent service.
I have now had my discus for around two months and not counting an ammonia spike things are doing well.
After buying the test equipment I can now say:
Ammonia: <0.2
Nitrite: 0
PH: 6.2 - 6.4
Water is clean (do 20% change every two days) and age the water (not overnight) using air pumps plus additives to elimate ammonia and heavy metals etc.
Fish are eating well and growing along with the bottom feeders (2 bronze cattys', 1 peppemint catty and 2 bristlenoses). Feed them beef heart (sparingly), brine shrimp, sinking pellets, 'algae' wafers, frozen blood worms and dried blackworms.
I just wanted to know how often I should clean my external canister (1100) and what should I clean in it (no instructions). It is the layered type with bio balls, noodles, sponges, clay packet etc.
Also I have noticed that there is this green 'furry' stuff growing on my plant leaves, it looks different to just plain algae and is like a 'plant' itself. Do I need to be concerned and if so what should I do?.
Read the forums and this is by far the most informative and helpful site around. Not to mention the retailers here whom I have contacted and bought products from......excellent service.