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View Full Version : G'day from Lara

Wed May 25, 2011, 03:03 AM
Hi, just a quick hello to introduce myself. As you can tell I live in Lara, Vic and have been keeping fish for about 2 1/2 years now.

My fishkeeping this time round (disaster about 18 years back) has mostly been African Rift Lake cichlids but starting to get into other things as well.

I'm hoping to get right into discus by doing things as well as I can and enjoying the fish.


6x2x2 tank with black calvus and tropheus illangi, cuckoo cats and a stray BN.

4x2x2 SA (mostly) tank that is being stripped to make way for discus tank.....I'll post my noob questions on the appropriate forum. Geophagus, rams, rainbows, cories, red phantom tetra and a couple of L numbers were the main occuants.

AR980 Angels community tank. Houses 6 juvi koi angels, 6 corydoras shwartzi, pair of kribs with 8 offspring (looks like the parents are soon to spawn again), 7 red phantom tetras (from the 6), whiptail and 2 borneo sucker fish.

Standard 3 footer No.1
10 Maingano cichlids.

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20 juvi common bristlenose.

Wed May 25, 2011, 03:55 AM
Welcome to the forum.

I've only recently "graduated" from Africans to discus myself.
