View Full Version : Amount of gravel in planted tank
Wed May 18, 2011, 03:52 AM
I have a planted tank and the plants are now doing fine. I have a lot of gravel and was reading on this topic lately. I know a lot go for barebottom but mine is a display tank. How much depth of gravel should I have in a 132ltr tank?. It is the normal gravel you buy in a fish shop (small to meidum stones, white in colour). I have about 4 - 5cm in depth atm and keep it relatively clean but I have read that is too much. I had wriggly worms a while back but since vacuming more deeply have had none.
Advice thanks.
Wed May 18, 2011, 04:16 AM
It will depend upon the plants you wish to grow, how densely planted and what plants in particular you want.
Some plants (e.g. swords & crypts) do best in deep fertile substrates - 5cm would be a minimum - while others (e.g. Anubias and Java Fern) do best not being planted at all.
My discus tank is bare-bottomed atm, and I have a heavily planted community tank that is over-stocked at present, but I find the plants help to keep the water clean. The substrate is 10cm deep where I am growing swords & crypts, and 5cm thick at the shallowest point.
I am about to establish a new planted tank for the community (and do a bit of stock reductions!) and then will consider moving the discus back to the planted display tank where they seemed much happier.
Wed May 18, 2011, 05:47 AM
I removed about 1/3 of the gravel and the tank looks better for it. When I vacumed the tank I actually struck bottom so I would assume it is getting a good clean. As stated I read that the less substrate (gravel etc) or at least a minimum amount was best for keeping the tank very clean. I think it was quoted as 1/4 inch?. The removal did make the tank a littel cloudy but that has settled now. Any more suggestions or comments are appreciated.
Just while I am thinking about it all, the lfs I bought the canister filter from said I need not clean it for a long time but the aqua one instructions of the overhead filter on the tank recommend cleaning the black sponge/wool (carbon) at least weekly in tank water?. How often should I clean the sponges (not bio noodles etc) and I know to do it in tank water, also how often should I replace the wool/carbon filters at the top of the box (mine has noodles/black sponge/carbon and wool on top with the spray bar running over the wool/carbon).
Had the discus now a month and they seem to be doing well now with bullying soughted, feeding very well, active and come over to me all the time. They are also growing and still have lot of colour so I assume I am doing something right. I am changing 20-25% water every second day atm but shall cut it to twice weekly (what was recommended) in about a months time (bio stage hopefully will be doing well by then). I vacum every water change. Also have ordered ammonia test kit so I can post all results some time for opinion. PH is between 6 - 7 and temp is about 30 degrees celcius, feeding frozen blood worms, dried bloodworms, some small pellets and every so often beef heart (messy).
I now go by that motto of the solution to pollution is dilution. Thanks.
Fri May 20, 2011, 07:16 AM
Any comments re above post?.
Fri May 20, 2011, 07:43 AM
Hi Max,
There are plenty of perceptions regarding what is correct/best practice but the bottom line is that you are the one looking at the tank so your aesthetic appreciation of the overall picture is important.
Personally I feel that your juvies/intermediates will be better off in a bare bottom tank and that they will be more likely to reach their growth potential in these conditions as it is easiest to maintain pristine water conditions.
I have a 6x2x2 display tank which has my discus, c. sterbai, s. panamense and a small school of cardinals. I have put in several large pieces of driftwood to separate foreground/background and have 5 - 6 cm of gravel in the back to support plants. In the foreground I have less than 1/4 cm of sand for ease of cleaning.
If you go to the photo gallery you can see some pics of my set-up under new 6x2x2.
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