Mon May 09, 2011, 01:00 PM
Hey guys,
new to the discus scene and having only just acquired my first ever discus.
I've received this fellas from a partial trade today.
Though noticed one has some problems
Seems to be suffering from pop eye or cloudy eye? Possibly from stress during transportation, acclimatizing or netting them out.
I've done any immediate water change of 40-50%
and dosed salt, temp is 27 its currently set on 30
also the fins have some white seams?? not quite sure and it swims with its fins clamped.
Seems to be some growth on its mouth? and some wierd flaky things on its side and under its body.
Also things on its gills?
Only one is affected
here is a healthy one
ps sorry bout the pics, just using the digital camera, ill use the slr later
new to the discus scene and having only just acquired my first ever discus.
I've received this fellas from a partial trade today.
Though noticed one has some problems
Seems to be suffering from pop eye or cloudy eye? Possibly from stress during transportation, acclimatizing or netting them out.
I've done any immediate water change of 40-50%
and dosed salt, temp is 27 its currently set on 30
also the fins have some white seams?? not quite sure and it swims with its fins clamped.
Seems to be some growth on its mouth? and some wierd flaky things on its side and under its body.
Also things on its gills?
Only one is affected
here is a healthy one
ps sorry bout the pics, just using the digital camera, ill use the slr later