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View Full Version : West African Dwarfs For Sale:

Fri Apr 15, 2011, 08:43 AM
Hi everyone

Reluctantly I have decided to sell these fish to make way for my ever growing number of apistogrammas.It took me approx. 6mths to get hold of these species as they just weren't around, locally or from overseas suppliers when I began my quest for them.Then one day a lfs who I visited often rang to my surprise with some good news, informing me of there availability via bayfish (melb) who had a german bred shipment arriving from glasser, had to go through quarrantine etc before I could get my hands on them, more waiting he he.... I was told they would be expensive but I wasn't detered as I just wanted them at any cost! he he.....

I finally purchased them in august 2010 for a hefty sum of money, although they were much smaller and not as colourful as they are today.All of these fish are healthy and in great condition.

1st pair up for grabs are: Pelvicachromis Taeniatus "nigeria red"

Male is approx. 8-9cm Female is approx. 5-6cm Asking $70

2nd pair up for grabs are: Pelvicachromis Taeniatus "dehane"

Male is approx. 6cm Female is approx. 6cm Asking $70

Final pair up for grabs are: Nanochromis Transvestitus

Male is approx. 7-8cm Female is approx. 5-6cm Asking $85

This pair has produced 1 brood of fry in the past, unfortunately they didnt survive past 7-8 days free swimming :cry:

Pm or email : apistowayne@gmail.com

cheers Wayne