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View Full Version : new to discus

Sat Apr 09, 2011, 09:04 PM
Been out of fish aquarium for a long time. Just recently setup a 45 gal tank. Never kept Discus before.

Met a local Discus breeder and purchased 10 penny size discus. Well he gave me 13. It has been 2 weeks now, they started out being penny size, Some of them are just getting to be the size of a nickle. Not quite the size of a quarter yet but getting closer everyday.

Did lots of reading on the forum so far. Never changed water so often to a fish tank before. I vacuum the bottom everyday and am changing at least 10-15 gallons daily and 25 gallons every other day. Feed them very little flake food. Mostly beefheart cubes 3-4 times a day. They come right to the front of the tank when i approach the tank looking for food.

Taking my time in setting up the 125 gallon tank that will eventually house most of them.

Great site!

Exotic Aquatic
Sat Apr 09, 2011, 10:10 PM
Hi Pennex1!

Sounds like you got it down pat!

Your feeding and water changes are spot on for discus.

Great to hear your having such a good experience.

Sounds like your located in the states?

Welcome aboard!

Kindest Regards,

Sat Apr 09, 2011, 10:10 PM
Oh no, another one falls victim to the discus bug :D

Welcome to the forum from a fellow newbie.


Exotic Aquatic
Sat Apr 09, 2011, 10:22 PM
Hey Scott!

Sat Apr 09, 2011, 10:27 PM
Thanks for all the welcome. :D

Home is Long Island, New York.

Discus Planetarium
Tue Apr 12, 2011, 04:42 AM
welcome to the forum :D