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View Full Version : Discus swimming not moving

Fri Apr 08, 2011, 07:14 AM

I have hit another hurdle with these discus.. I have a discus that is swimming but does not move. Just seems to be bobbing in the spot. The video I have below does not really show him bobbing but he is... He also seems like he's got a big belly

Any help would be great. Thanks again


Fri Apr 08, 2011, 08:49 AM
All your fish seem to have fat bellys which isnt a bad thing especially if they have just eaten .Maybe try some epsom salts he might be constipated .I treat at its 2 tablespoons per 40 ltrs .

Fri Apr 08, 2011, 09:02 AM
I don't understand? They all seem to be swimming fine.

Fri Apr 08, 2011, 09:32 AM
Yeah it looks like that in the video.. does not translate across... He is like fighting to go forward..

Looks like he does not know if he wants to go forward or backward and he bobs on the spot..

Just check all stats of tank and A=0 Ni=0 Na=15ppm

P{H was very high... close to 8 I would say..I thrown in peat moss..

Fri Apr 08, 2011, 09:52 AM
I can see the fish bobbing up and down. I have seen this before. I'm going to take a stab here. Please don't get offended.

1) the gill rate of the fish seem elevated, this is a sign of stress

2) stress bars are very pronounced, this is a sign of stress

3) it seems as though some of the fish have fin damage

My best guess is it could be bacterial

The tank does not seem to be well maintained ie dirty glass and what I could see of the plants they don't look healthy.

I would give the glass a good wipe down, vacuum any debris off the bottom, get rid of the plants, clean the filters and do a 50% water change.

I would like to know current ph, kh, gh, temp, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

Fri Apr 08, 2011, 12:14 PM
I can see the fish bobbing up and down. I have seen this before. I'm going to take a stab here. Please don't get offended.

Not a problem

1) the gill rate of the fish seem elevated, this is a sign of stress

2) stress bars are very pronounced, this is a sign of stress

He has been black for about 3months now.. Still eating good and stays at the back of the tank and comes forward quickly for food.

3) it seems as though some of the fish have fin damage

My best guess is it could be bacterial

This was from when they had worms about 5months ago.. Still recovering

The tank does not seem to be well maintained ie dirty glass and what I could see of the plants they don't look healthy.

The tank is a large 6ftx2ftx2ft with only 3 discus and some britle nose. I do a water change every week 50%

I would give the glass a good wipe down, vacuum any debris off the bottom, get rid of the plants, clean the filters and do a 50% water change.

I would like to know current ph, kh, gh, temp, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

Plants = fake.. Glass needs a scrub I know thanks ;)
temp=29, ammonia=0, nitrite=0 and nitrate=15 Ph=very blue

I have noticed the white discus sleeps face down.

Fri Apr 08, 2011, 09:55 PM
hi, u need to get ph down to 6.0 add some driftwood it will help and maintain it at that level.

Fri Apr 08, 2011, 10:16 PM
Ok the peat moss has dropped the Ph..

Also put some big L in and I'm not sure which one it was put he seems to be fine this morning...

Thanks again for all your help.. I'm sure my loses would be higher with out this site!

Sat Apr 09, 2011, 02:24 AM
Why does he need to drop the ph???? I spent years changing the ph only to be continually having ph swings. A stable ph is much better than a lower one. My tanks are 7.8 and have been for the past 2 years. I didn't look at your video but a bobbing discus sounds like a blocked up one. epsom salts will do no harm to your fish so I would be adding those and hopefully this will help the fella out. Water changes should be more often to get 100% across the week. 3x33% 2 x 50%. Why add meds??? When you don't know what is wrong. Big L is for worms. Do you take a worming tablet if you have a cold ??? Not a personal attack on you mate just a general overview on what happens here on many occasions.

Sun Apr 10, 2011, 10:34 AM
yeah thanks.... just doing a follow up worm treatment anyway...