View Full Version : Sore on face

Sun Mar 20, 2011, 12:42 PM
Hi all My poor Attilla has this sore on his face. I'm not sure if it is Hole in head - not jelly poo No other holes around her head. She has had a little pit there for some time, I did put her in a hospital tank with metro some time ago she did have HIH but this one just stuck around, I watched her but it didn't amount to much until now. I would think this has been like this for a few days. She might have banged it on a piece of drift wood I have in the tank.
Any ideas? Should I treat her with Metro again? Thanks

Mon Mar 21, 2011, 09:19 AM
It looks to be her nostril. I would keep her in a hospital tank with daily water changes some salt and good heathy food. You could just keep her in her tank and add the salt depending on the other tank mates. It is just easier to do the big changes in a smaller tank.Keep an eye on it just incase it gets any worse.

Mon Mar 21, 2011, 09:35 AM
The eye looks cloudy which suggests the presence of bacterial infection. Do the fins by any chance have some white dots that have recently appeared. Look carefully as sometimes they are hard to see. If there are it may be that your fish is infected with bacteria that attach and become incapsulated. You would need to treat with a strong anti bacterial like acriflavine neutral

Mon Mar 21, 2011, 12:44 PM
I agree with boxters to me it looks like a bacterial infection tripple sulpha at 1 tablet/40L might work you'll need to repeat the dose in 48=72 hours.

try and pick up the water quality as well before and after treatment.

Mon Mar 21, 2011, 09:18 PM
thanks guys. can't see any white spots; but I'll look again. I'll move her to hospital tank tonight andtry the triple sulpha. Just did a big 70% wc so water is ok for now but I'll add salt for now. thanks again