Tue Mar 15, 2011, 11:14 AM
mods please move this where it is appropriate.
someone i know has generously offered me a 4x2x2 fish tank with a 2foot tank as a sump.
He is in lawson (blue mountains) so was wondering if you could probably deliver it for me lol worth a shot, im located in bossley park, i'm only 14 and cant drive.
Dad Can't as he has to buy timber this weekend for my brothers HSC timber project, and hes got work on the weekend.
The person i am getting it from also has a 6x2x2 dual rack which you can take if you want
If you know anyone up that way can you please ask them
would really appreciate this if someone can do this for me
oh and i can offer some sarpae tetras 4, and black neons 5 and money. possibly plants.
The sarpaes have bred before when there was 9 (bought it off a mate) and he sold me 4, so dont know if they will breed now as tetras breeding a group, female drops the eggs and the males go crazy and all lol
mods please move this where it is appropriate.
someone i know has generously offered me a 4x2x2 fish tank with a 2foot tank as a sump.
He is in lawson (blue mountains) so was wondering if you could probably deliver it for me lol worth a shot, im located in bossley park, i'm only 14 and cant drive.
Dad Can't as he has to buy timber this weekend for my brothers HSC timber project, and hes got work on the weekend.
The person i am getting it from also has a 6x2x2 dual rack which you can take if you want
If you know anyone up that way can you please ask them
would really appreciate this if someone can do this for me
oh and i can offer some sarpae tetras 4, and black neons 5 and money. possibly plants.
The sarpaes have bred before when there was 9 (bought it off a mate) and he sold me 4, so dont know if they will breed now as tetras breeding a group, female drops the eggs and the males go crazy and all lol