Tue Mar 08, 2011, 09:06 AM
I have only had discus for a little time now (about 1 month).
I am wondering why the discus colour is nearly always dark and a sometimes light. I understand that they do change colour with moods and health.
I live in Wollongong and the Ph here is about 7.6 and i am not adding anything else other than prime and a little fertilizer. I am doing water changes every week.
I am feeding them live blood worm and NLS discus formula
Can i get some advise from you guys as to what to do for the happiness of the discus? Should i try using rain water? Discus trace elements? Lower ph?
I have only had discus for a little time now (about 1 month).
I am wondering why the discus colour is nearly always dark and a sometimes light. I understand that they do change colour with moods and health.
I live in Wollongong and the Ph here is about 7.6 and i am not adding anything else other than prime and a little fertilizer. I am doing water changes every week.
I am feeding them live blood worm and NLS discus formula
Can i get some advise from you guys as to what to do for the happiness of the discus? Should i try using rain water? Discus trace elements? Lower ph?