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View Full Version : Mixed apisto's

Tue Mar 01, 2011, 02:17 AM
I'm a bit of a window shopper.....

Often visit shops just to have a look

Visited a shop yesterday.....noticed a tank full of juvie apistos
quite cheap @ $12 each

Looked for a little while at the tiny fish....biggest about 12mm....some were colouring up

I spoke to the shop assistant......the shop had ordered aggies and caucs.....but were told there was no caucs available

Then I told him....he had juvie aggies and caucs and nijsseni
at least 100 all in the same tank
Ordered from Asia....not enough aggies to fill the order so made up the numbers with other species!!!

I wonder how many people will end up with a mixed bag....thinking they are buying aggies

AQIS let them through as aggies???

Tue Mar 01, 2011, 02:34 AM
That's so wrong its not funny. The amount of problems that store will cause is a disgrace.

Sun Mar 13, 2011, 12:17 PM
I've seen mixed Apistos in an aquarium here in Melbourne, 3 species, cacatuoides, borelli and another I can't recall. The males weren't hard to distinquish except for the fact that they all looked mutated - I mean really inbred - the ugliest Apistos I have ever seen and....cheap as dirt at about $8 each!!! They should all have been culled in my opinion.

Tue Mar 15, 2011, 10:53 PM
yeah but it's easy for a mass murderer to simply "cull"
hahahahaha :P

Wed Mar 16, 2011, 03:42 AM
yeah but it's easy for a mass murderer to simply "cull"
hahahahaha :P

heh heh heh 8-)

Sun Apr 17, 2011, 12:48 PM
Went back for another look.....

Picked up a young pair.....of Apistogramma nijsseni

They even caught the ones I selected....which was an effort in it's self!

Bloody expensive though....$14 for the pair!

Tue Apr 19, 2011, 10:06 AM
Went back for another look.....

Picked up a young pair.....of Apistogramma nijsseni

They even caught the ones I selected....which was an effort in it's self!

Bloody expensive though....$14 for the pair!

Now if ya' gonna' start braggin', how about braggin' 'bout somethin' that ain't gonna make the rest of us jealous :wink:

Tue Apr 19, 2011, 10:00 PM
More bragging..... :P
got a girl for him too(same price)

Little arcylic tank for my desk(16liters) .......$120
(not setup....still cycling)

Jealous yet?.... :wink:

Wed Apr 20, 2011, 01:02 AM
Now where exactly is this shop at? :lol:

very nice Rod, can say i am quite envious of you atm