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View Full Version : Treatment for Bullies/bullying

Mon Feb 14, 2011, 02:34 AM

The smallest discus in my tank has taken to bullying one of the original inhabitants who is significantly bigger - go figure.

The older, bigger fish has been in the tank since July, with the smaller, newer fish being one of three added in November. The tank (6x1.5x2) has 9 discus. All seemed to get along fine, but in the last week to 10 days the little one beats up on one of the larger ones (a blue diamond). He now hides in the top back corner, behind the power head.

The Blue Diamond looks fine for now, but he can't get a look-in at feeding times as the little one beats up on him the moment he ventures out. I am concerned the Blue Diamond will starve and I don't hime want to get to the "resuce" stage.

Should I...
Let nature take its course as it will pass?
Take the Blue Diamond out of the tank, feed him up, then re-introduce him after a week or so?
Take the bully out for a week or so to let the rest settle back into their routine?

Another couple of the original stock have paired up and laid eggs (now wrigglers, yet to attache to Mum or Dad). While these fish are not part of the aggro, would that perhaps be what's staretde it?


Mon Feb 14, 2011, 10:14 AM
Personally I'd take the bully out for a weeks or so, let the pecking order be confirmed with the originals and the new Discus and then reintroduce him.