View Full Version : Snail hunters!
Wed Feb 02, 2011, 11:51 PM
Hi there,
It seems my tank has become home to a colony of tiny snails - no more than 2mm across. No idea where they came from as I have another tank with plants from the same source and it is snail free (and all plants are washed in PP overnight).
I undersatnd Clown Loaches are great snail hunters and Pakitsatni/YoYo loaches are even better, but neither are recommended tankmates for Discus.
Any suggestions on a suitable tankmate that will rid the tank of the "unwanted tankmates" ?
The tank is 6x2x1.5 planted running a gravel substrate. Other tankmates are Cardinals, Harlequins, SAEs, BNs, Rummy Nose & Golden Panchax.
Thu Feb 03, 2011, 12:08 AM
I have dwarf chain loaches they seem to work.
Thu Feb 03, 2011, 07:16 AM
I have a khuli loach. does a good job.
I am a bit worried he annoys my discus at night though.
Thu Feb 03, 2011, 12:11 PM
I have a khuli loach. does a good job.
I am a bit worried he annoys my discus at night though.
I understand that isthe concern with clown loaches too.
Anyone tried Yoyos?
Thu Feb 03, 2011, 12:15 PM
Make or buy a snail trap they work very well
Fri Mar 25, 2011, 04:59 PM
Maybe you've solved your problem, but I'll recommend the assasin snail Anetome helena. Although it'll breed too, it's reproductive number is fairly small and they're easy to pick up and get rid off.
I'm wondering how a kuhli loach could be a distraction to discus? Clown loaches of course.
Fri Mar 25, 2011, 10:56 PM
Maybe you've solved your problem, but I'll recommend the assasin snail Anetome helena. Although it'll breed too, it's reproductive number is fairly small and they're easy to pick up and get rid off.
I'm wondering how a kuhli loach could be a distraction to discus? Clown loaches of course.
assain snails are unavailable in Australia ( I believe their importation is not allowed).
kulli's wont haras discus if anything the discus might see the kulli as a big juicy worm, yoyo's and clowns are fine when young, but once they reach 4inches or so in size will need to come out, dwarf chain loaches are excellent (but expensive) use them as a team of at least 6 they wont last more then 4-5 years at discus temps, but by then they will have done their job.
Exotic Aquatic
Fri Mar 25, 2011, 11:25 PM
pakistani loaches are great or clown loaches or even larger cory's... personally i would get a combo of pakistani and clowns (maybe 2 of each) and remove them after a month or so, leaving one pakistani loach behind for an extra month or two to control re-growth from undetected progeny. After that you can remove him too. Always wash/rub plants before adding them to the tank, they hide in them.
Wed Aug 24, 2011, 08:54 PM
kuhli loach are not good at eating snail, there mouth isint fit for it.
I have like 10 in my tank, and there was alot of snails.
I got 2 clown botias, but i wasint happy with them. Perhaps if i had not feed them so well, they could have done a better job. I have one betta female in my discus tank, because bettas and gouramys eat snail eggs. Assasins snail are great, but like in my tank 720L i would have to have alot.
But what i got in the end was pygmy puffer(Carinotetraodon travancoricus), they really are hard workers eating snails. and dont grow big(3,5cm)
And i have never had any trouble with them with my discus.
Thu Aug 25, 2011, 10:46 AM
I have Pakistani loaches and found them to be very peaceful little fish. They seem to be doing a good job at keeping the numbers of young/small snails down but the larger snails are too much for them - but then again they are MTS so pretty tough.
I give them a hand by squashing the adults by hand just after lights out, leaving the loaches to look after the little ones.
Fri Aug 26, 2011, 11:15 AM
I have one Yo Yo...I bought it to get rid of some snails in a small 60L tank. I intended to put it in my 5' tank once it got rid of the snails but it paid the snails no attention at all. Eventually I had to move it anyway as it was driving the fish in that tank nuts. (small tetras). Now its in the 5' with a bunch of angel fish and tries to bother them all the time. They seem to just ignor it but I wonder if Discus would be so forgiving. I was going to get some more yoyos as I believe they are happier in groups but im not sure with its boisterous nature that I want a bunch of them in there......
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